Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Research on the Transcendental Meditation program indicates greater participation of the whole brain in the response to a stimulus.


Transcendental Meditation
by Maharishi University of Management

Your brain governs everything you do. It makes sense that if you can begin to engage your brain’s full potential, you’ll be more successful in everything you do.

Published research has found that the Transcendental Meditation® Technique systematically develops the brain’s total potential.

Other benefits found in more than 600 studies include increased intelligence and creativity, reduced stress and anxiety, improved health and well-being, increased self-actualization, and better relationships.

What is Transcendental Meditation?

The Transcendental Meditation Technique is a simple, natural, effortless procedure practised 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed. It’s not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. It’s the most widely practised, most extensively researched, and most effective method of self-development in the world.

What happens when you meditate?

The Transcendental Meditation Technique allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought — transcendental consciousness. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness — your innermost Self. Your body experiences a state of deep rest while your mind becomes increasingly alert. And your brain begins to function in a highly orderly and coherent manner.

How many people practise Transcendental Meditation?

More than six million people worldwide have learned this simple, natural technique — business people, scientists, athletes, students — people of all ages, cultures, and religions.

How long and how often do you meditate?

The Transcendental Meditation Technique is practised for twenty minutes twice a day, sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.

As a student at our university, you’ll also have additional structured time for yoga asanas (simple yoga postures), which develop flexibility and mind-body integration, and for pranayama (a simple breathing technique), which enlivens your mind and body.

How much research has been done on Transcendental Meditation?

Over 600 scientific research studies have been conducted, at more than 200 universities and research centres (including Harvard, UCLA, and Stanford).

These studies have been published in more than 100 scientific and scholarly journals, including such peer-reviewed journals as Science, American Journal of Physiology, Scientific American, International Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, and many others.

Where did Transcendental Meditation come from?

The Transcendental Meditation Technique is based on the oldest continuous tradition of knowledge in human history, the Vedic tradition of enlightenment in India. The Vedic knowledge has been handed down by Vedic masters from generation to generation for thousands of years.

About 50 years ago, Maharishi — the representative in our age of the Vedic tradition — introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world, restoring the knowledge and experience of higher states of consciousness at this critical juncture in time for humanity.

When we teach the Transcendental Meditation Technique today, we maintain the same procedures and effectiveness as the teachers of thousands of years ago.

How does Transcendental Meditation compare with other forms of meditation?

A meta-analysis of 597 studies of meditation practices was published in the American Journal of Health Promotion (May/June 1998). The study found the Transcendental Meditation technique to be significantly superior to other forms of meditation and relaxation in a wide range of criteria related to mental and physical health.

Another meta-analysis, published in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, found the effect of the Transcendental Meditation Technique on increasing self-actualization to be markedly greater than that of other forms of meditation and relaxation.

How can I learn the Transcendental Meditation programme?

If you are planning to enrol at the University, you can learn when you arrive on campus. Students may be eligible for a 50% need-based Trustees scholarship and a long-term, low-interest loan for the remaining 50% of the Transcendental Meditation tuition of $2,500.

Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique must be learned from a qualified teacher of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme. The technique cannot be learned from a book, video or audio tape.

For information on where to learn Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation in countries not listed below, please submit a request to www.tm.org/intlform.html.

The following list represents only those countries which have established a website for promoting Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation in their country, but Transcendental Meditation is actually taught in over one hundred countries in the world.

Asia and Pacific
India: www.maharishi-india.org
Australia: www.tmprogram.com.au
Japan: www.maharishi.co.jp
New Zealand: www.tm.org.nz
Taiwan: www.tm.org.tw

North America
Canada: www.maharishi.ca
USA: www.tm.org
Mexico: www.mt.org.mx

South America
Argentina: www.mt.org.ar
Brazil: www.meditacaotranscendental.com.br
Chile: www.maharishi.cl
Colombia: www.mtcolombia.org

Middle East
Israel: www.tmt.org.il
Lebanon and the Middle East: www.maharishitm.org/index.htm

Republic of South Africa: http://tm-online.org.za

Balkan region: www.tm.org.yu
Belgium: www.maharishi-tm.ws
Bulgaria: www.gradnamira.com
Croatia: www.tm-savez.hr
Czech Republic: www.tmcentrum.cz
Denmark: www.tmnu.dk/tm/forside.php
Estonia: www.tmkeskus.ee
Finland: www.tm-meditaatio.org
France: www.mt-maharishi.com
Germany: www.transzendentale-meditation.de, www.tm-frankfurt.de, www.ilse-eickhoff-akademie.de
Hungary: www.tminfo.hu
Ireland: www.tm-ireland.org
Italy: www.maharishi.it and www.mvu.it
The Netherlands: www.tm.nl
Norway: www.maharishi.no/index_ie4.html
Scotland: www.tmscotland.org
Slovenia: www.zveza-tm.si/html/main.php
Spain: www.maharishiveda.com
Switzerland: www.meditation-tm.ch
Ukraine—for all Russian-speaking countries: www.tm.org.ua
United Kingdom: www.t-m.org.uk and www.tm-london.org.uk/set1.html


© Copyright 2006, Maharishi University of Management


"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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