Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Every aspect of Consciousness-Based Education has been established for one purpose: to protect the tender developing nervous systems of the students so that they can swiftly, comfortably, and joyfully rise to higher states of consciousness.


What is Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education? An in-depth look
Part 5 — Culturing refinement on every level of the student's life

(See May, June & July Archives for Parts 1,2 3 & 4, entitled 'What is Maharishi Consciousness-Base Education? An in-depth look')
by Global Good News staff writer
16 July 2007

Consciousness-Based Education puts the enlightenment of its students first and foremost. Enlightenment is the most cherished, most significant attainment of life for every individual everywhere. In this state, there are no wrong choices or misery, only bliss and fulfilment of desires, right action and inner freedom, and loving, compassionate feelings for everyone. The dedication of Consciousness-Based Education to enlightenment directly affects the style of teaching, the content of the subject matter, the school schedule, and the environment.

Healthy, stress-free routine and environment Consciousness-Based schools emphasize a healthy, stress-free routine and environment. The buildings are constructed according to architectural principles of Natural Law, bringing an influence of vitality and clarity to the students; and vegetarian organic food is served. The entire atmosphere, due the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme by everyone in the institution, radiates peace, harmony, and alertness—an atmosphere most conducive to learning.

Attention from the teacher

The development of the teacher’s consciousness is key to the success of a Consciousness-Based school, for the quality of a teacher’s attention on his or her students is crucial. Because the teachers at Consciousness-Based schools are practising the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes twice a day, the quality of their attention spontaneously grows more and more refined, more nourishing, more focused, and more comprehensive day by day. This has a direct impact on the students. The finer the quality of the teacher’s attention on the students and their work—that is, the more discriminating and appreciative the teacher’s attention and feedback—the more profound the students’ learning experience and the faster and more fulfilling their progress.

Homework-free learning

Consciousness-Based Education values the teacher’s attention so highly, that the faculty is with the students throughout the class and throughout the day, irrespective of the learning activity. Instead of straining at night to try to understand or even review something they didn’t fully comprehend in class, the students learn everything in the presence of their teachers. In fact, at Consciousness-Based schools the students don’t have homework.

Life-supporting, refined curriculum

At Consciousness-Based schools the content of the curriculum is always life-supporting. The speech, dress, behaviour, and routine are always nourishing, refined, and uplifting, culturing refinement on the level of the student's heart, mind, intellect, speech, and behaviour.

Teaching girls and boys separately

At Consciousness-Based schools, boys and girls are educated in their own atmosphere. Extensive experience, corroborated by research, shows that when boys and girls are educated separately, they more easily focus on learning, perform at higher academic levels, more readily develop leadership, work more cooperatively, and are more satisfied that their education prepared them for life. When they also practise the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes, boys and girls educated in their own atmosphere quickly develop confidence in expressing what they are learning; they become self-sufficient and creative. They develop their unique abilities and talents, and are more harmonious and mutually supportive.

Comfortable, steady programme

Every aspect of Consciousness-Based Education—from the routine of the class, to the charts on the walls, to the structure and content of the curriculum, to the unique teaching exercises used by the teachers, to the standards of behaviour, to the quality of the teacher’s attention, to the design of the building and the food served in the dining halls—has been established for one purpose: to protect the tender developing nervous systems of the students so that they can swiftly, comfortably, and joyfully rise to higher states of consciousness. This is the goal of Consciousness-Based Education: to awaken Total Knowledge in the awareness of every student—to awaken the state of enlightenment—in a comfortable and steady way, without distractions. With such a comprehensive programme, students grow stronger, more self-confident, happier, and wiser day by day, gaining the best preparation possible for their future years, wherever their lives lead them.

‘I’ve noticed a deep sense of individual purpose in these students, and commitment to the values of developing consciousness. They sincerely want to discover truth, and to be able to express it themselves.’

—Consciousness-Based High School teacher

To learn more about Consciousness-Based Education or to start a Consciousness-Based school in your city, please visit: http://www.CBEprograms.org

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service



"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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