Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


two boys TMing
'Some people began to meditate in groups, and it was found that the whole area became surcharged, so to say, with coherence, with positivity, without any conflicts—freedom from problems.'



Creating a Better World
by Global Good News staff writer
26 September 2008

Students everywhere want a better world—a peaceful world, a world with better functioning governments and thriving economies, a world of less sickness and crime. How can they accomplish this?

When a youth from Holland asked this question of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, in a global press conference on 28 June 2006, he said that the Global Country of World Peace is organizing that teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Programme are found everywhere and that the students and other citizens of the nation can go to learn. That is all they need to do—go to learn Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme.

Maharishi emphasized, 'Everyone must learn. Those who do not even bother about the country, they should bother about themselves, about their family, about their own body, about their own mind, about their own intellect, about their own ego. . . They will never settle down, unless their ego comes to absorb the reality of the cosmic ego.

'Men have that potential. That is why they want to be more and more and more. Always, there is chance of more. And through the grace of the Vedic Tradition of knowledge, through the Vedic Knowledge, it is now very, very easy for everyone to find fulfilment in life on every level—fulfilment in life. . . .'

Yet how can fulfilment of the individual lead to world peace?

Enlivening the 'Will of God'
Earlier in the press conference, Maharishi explained that when the awareness transcends during the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, it enlivens the field of Transcendental Consciousness in the awareness. He expanded this concept saying that the words 'enlivening in human awareness' encompasses 'simultaneously enlivening in the human physiology, and then enlivening that supreme intelligence in the field of behaviour and in the environment'.

Maharishi takes joy in calling that supreme intelligence 'the Will of God'. He said, 'It is the omnipresent, omniscient, almighty Will of God in human awareness.' Maharishi continued, 'Because it is omnipresent and omniscient, the influence of it does not remain isolated within the boundaries of space and time. It is the Will of God; it is the Total Natural Law, the Constitution of the Universe which is at the basis of all creation, which is the creator of all diverse values from within its own unified state. . . .'

'Upsurge of the brilliant destiny of mankind'
Maharishi gave the significance of the influence of meditators being unrestricted by time and space. 'It could not remain in the isolated areas of individual meditators,' he said. 'Some people began to meditate in groups, and it was found that the whole area became surcharged, so to say, with coherence, with positivity, without any conflicts—freedom from problems.

'It was found, during the past years, at so many World Peace Assemblies—assemblies of the groups of Yogic Flyers—that they created in their environment, in their cities, very concrete examples of positivity, freedom from crime, and fewer patients in the hospitals. All kinds of positive features were found growing in society where groups of people were practising Yogic Flying.

'It is an enormous upsurge of the brilliant destiny of mankind. All positivity, all affluence, and peace and harmony came out on the surface of human society from the attention going through the programme of transcending—attention going to Transcendental Consciousness, the field of Total Natural Law, which is silently dynamic.'

As light spreads, darkness disappears
Maharishi clarified that 'silently dynamic' refers to the tendency of Transcendental Consciousness to spread and spread. 'And it spreads without resistance,' he said. 'And what does it do?' Maharishi went on. 'Just as light does to the field of darkness. . . It spreads, it spreads, it spreads, and the darkness disappears, disappears, disappears, disappears, completely automatically without anyone knowing who is eliminating the darkness and eliminating all the difficulties that arise in the field of behaviour, in the field of darkness—such a beautiful thing.'

All areas of life—government, economy, education, agriculture, health—improve simply and quietly as people enliven the light of Transcendental Consciousness in the world through the practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques, including Yogic Flying.

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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