Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Students of Maharishi University of World Peace will be the peace-creators of the human race, bringing the dawn of a better time for the world.



A golden future dawning through Maharishi University of World Peace
by Global Good News staff writer
27 August 2010

During the Global Press Conference with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on 4 December 2002, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about Maharishi University of World Peace.

Dr Morris said that through the development of higher states of consciousness, students of this university will be the peace-creators of our human race.  They will be ’the enlightened of the world,’ he said, ‘giving the gift of perpetual peace to their city and to the whole world.’

These students will practise Maharishi’s Vedic Technologies of Peace to raise their brain functioning to ‘total brain functioning’ and to live in higher consciousness, Dr Morris explained.

Maharishi University of World Peace and Peace Palaces in each of 3000 cities around the world will radiate such an intense influence of coherence, of harmony and peace, that in these cities, crime rates will plummet, violence will disappear, creativity and affluence will rise. ‘The city itself will live an ideal state of administration where all problems are prevented before they arise,’ Dr Morris said.

He explained that this is the grand gift of the Maharishi University of World Peace—8000 Yogic Flyers creating global coherence, and 3000 Peace Palaces creating coherence in the 3000 largest cities of the world.  

Dr Morris said that just as Maharaja Adhiraja Raam has revealed in his scientific discovery, every individual citizen can rise ‘to the cosmic dignity of their life,’ and live the full expression of ‘the cosmic creativity of Total Natural Law of which their physiology and the whole universe is made. Rising to live that status that “man is made in the image of God,”’ Dr Morris continued, all possibilities are available for the choice of every human being when this cosmic dignity is fully realized.

‘This is the offering of the Maharishi University of World Peace on the global scale—perpetual peace on Earth, the growth of affluence, the prevention of all problems, and the rise of ideal administration, free from all problems and suffering, in every nation on earth.’

All of this is on the basis of scientific discovery and scientific research that confirm these effects, Dr Morris said. ‘These are not philosophies or utopian dreams but on the basis of the most advanced scientific understanding of our time and over 600 scientific research studies from over 200 universities in 30 different countries, which reveal that all of this is the truth of our time.

‘The future of the world is so bright,’ Dr Morris concluded. ‘A golden future is now dawning through the Maharishi University of World Peace.’


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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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