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The unique feature of Maharishi's Vedic Science is that the student realizes that the sequence of evolution starts from within himself and covers the whole range of diverse creation. When through the vision of all disciplines of modern science he realizes the common basis of all disciplines in his own pure intelligence, then he finds himself at the goal of all pursuits of knowledge.



Maharishi speaks to Students: Mastery over Natural Law
by Global Good News staff writer
11 September 2007

‘Every student should gain the fruit of all knowledge: life free from mistakes and suffering; life in fulfilment in the state of Unity Consciousness, the basis of all life, endowed with the ability to know anything, do anything, and accomplish anything—mastery over Natural Law.

Atma, the Self of every student—Transcendental Consciousness—is the ocean of knowledge, power, and bliss. It should be fully enlivened through Dhyan, experience of Atma through Transcendental Meditation, and Gyan, understanding Atma through intellectual study of the Veda and Vedic Literature.

‘Natural Law administers the life of the individual and the universe. Student life is the time to gain mastery in the science and art of engaging the creative potential of Natural Law to fulfil every desire so that daily life is lived in fulfilment.’

This quote from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the opening page for the special four volumes of his lectures for students. These volumes give the main points of lectures Maharishi has given to students around the world. In the introduction, Maharishi explains that his Vedic Science and Technology is the Science and Technology of Consciousness.

He tells us that consciousness is the most basic element in creation; therefore, study of consciousness and research in consciousness, which is offered by the traditional Vedic Literature, gives the student the ability to do anything and achieve anything with the support of the evolutionary power of Natural Law.

‘Natural Law is the most fundamental element at the basis of all manifest creation,’ Maharishi says in the introduction. ‘Therefore, study of consciousness and research in consciousness harnesses the full creative potential of Natural Law in individual awareness. This enlivenment of the potential of creativity of the human mind spontaneously applies the evolutionary power of Natural Law to glorify life to blossom in its full creativity, and actualizes perfection in all areas of human concern.
‘When this nourishing and evolutionary power of Natural law is enlivened in human awareness,’ Maharishi says, ‘nothing can remain impossible to any individual and to any nation. Nothing remains difficult for anyone through the support of Nature.’

Maharishi also points out to us the one special feature of his Vedic Science, not available in any university, is that the student realizes that the sequence of evolution starts from within himself and covers the whole range of diverse creation. When through the vision of all disciplines of modern science he realizes the common basis of all disciplines in his own pure intelligence, then he finds himself at the goal of all pursuits of knowledge. ‘He ceases to be a seeker of knowledge; he rises to be the embodiment of all knowledge. This ability is far beyond the reach of any existing university in the world.’ Maharishi says. 

The courses outlined in these volumes naturally lead the student to realize that the entire field of knowledge and its infinite organizing power is really centred in himself—the whole field of knowledge diverges from within himself and converges to his Self within.

‘The theme of imparting Total Knowledge at Maharishi Vedic University,’ Maharishi says, ‘organizes the emergence of all knowledge from within and then shows all streams of diversified knowledge converging on to the Self. This theme of imparting Total Knowledge covers the entire field of knowledge from whole to part, from innermost to outermost, and from outermost to inner most.

‘The ancient, eternal record of Vedic Technology unfolds the full creativity potential of individual life, and this technology has proven to be the technology to experientially validate the Ultimate Reality understood through the terminology of modern science in Quantum Field Theory,’ Maharishi said.

These volumes are available from Maharishi University Press at:

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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