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According to standard Big Bang inflationary cosmogenesis, the universe sequentially unfolds from the Unified Field.



Enlivening infinite creativity in human awareness through the experience of the Unified Field of Natural Law

Part 2
(See September archives for Part 1 of this article, entitled Enlivening infinite creativity in human awareness through the experience of the Unified field of Natural Law)

by Global Good News staff writer
21 September, 2007

In explaining the connection between individual creativity and the infinite creativity of the Unified Field, in this part of his talk Dr John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about the dynamics of the emergence of our universe from the Unified Field.

Dr Hagelin explained that according to standard Big Bang inflationary cosmogenesis, the universe sequentially unfolds from the Unified Field. Dr Hagelin presented a chart that summarised the sequential unfoldment of our universe over the course of history.

The chart showed the Unified Field 'boiling' within itself, or the boiling of space-time geometry as it is sometimes called. It is also called the 'vacuum fluctuations' or 'zero point motion' of the Unified Field. It is from this field of pure abstract intelligence, open to direct experience at the basis of the mind [in our own transcendental consciousness], that the entire universe emerged some 13.7 billion years ago, Dr Hagelin said.

Showing other charts and illustrations of the emergence of the universe, Dr Hagelin said that 'we know that the universe emerges from here because Einstein's general relativistic field equations prove it, but we also can see it in a different way that perhaps makes it even more graphically so, because what we see emerging from this Unified Field and these vacuum fluctuations at the very early stages of our universe, is a sea of radiation.

A sea of electromagnetic energy—this is what the universe looked like 300,000 years after the Big Bang. We could look out in the sky today, effectively looking back in time, and examine what the universe looked like 300,000 years after the Big Bang, and we really see that it is a sea of electromagnetic energy. And it is not completely uniform. There are minor fluctuations within this background ocean of electromagnetism, which is also called the cosmic microwave background radiation, and that radiation and its fluctuations mirror precisely the primordial fluctuations of the Unified Field, as you might expect from Einstein's equation.

'Einstein's general relativistic field equations are really a theory of gravity,' Dr Hagelin said, 'and we see the emergence of space and time, but in the early universe prior to the presence of any matter, all that was left was nothing.

Yet 'the universe still emerges, and the universe emerges in the absence of matter due to the eternal presence of what are called vacuum fluctuations, or zero point motion of the Unified Field. This cosmological constant is called Quintessence, just to emphasize that this is neither matter nor energy. It is something completely unmanifest and transcendental to the world of physics . . . . The emergence of the universe, the exponentially expanding cosmos, is driven by the vacuum fluctuations of the Unified Field,' said Dr Hagelin.

The mathematical equations show us that the emerging pattern of radiation that we see in the universe 300,000 years after the Big Bang is just an enlarged version of the microscopic fluctuations prior to the Big Bang and the eternal zero point motion of the Unified Field which drives the emergence of the universe. 'The same background radiation persists in the universe today, it hasn't changed,' Dr Hagelin said.

'Ever since the universe began expanding 13.7 billion years ago, it has continued to hold this perfect imprint of these primordial fluctuations of the Unified Field, which shows that the universe emerged from the Unified Field, and therefore shows that the Unified Field is a field of infinite creativity.

'It is the source of the universe, and . . . the matter, the stars, the dust out of which we are made, is just an extension of this radiation, because the matter was distributed in the identical fashion as the radiation in the early universe, and continues to be more or less today, except that matter is self-gravitating, so that neighbouring particles of dust will attract each other and concentrate themselves into galaxies and stars . . . .

'The primordial fluctuation of matter and radiation in the heavens becomes more concentrated over time, and the tiny fluctuations or irregularities become amplified into patches of light and dark, stars and space, galaxies and empty space between galaxies, and all of that is just an amplification of the primordial fluctuations of the Unified Field.'

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