Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


‘We have in our ego a cosmic ego, and when we open our awareness to it, then it becomes our ego. Our individual ego becomes a cosmic ego for its existence, for its knowledge, for its activity in Totality. Infinity is lively in our own ego, intellect, mind, behaviour, senses, in our whole society.’



Making a student cosmic
by Global Good News staff writer
23 July 2009

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, explains that the nature of life is to progress, to go towards more and more.

In a Global Press Conference on 8 June 2005, Maharishi elaborated on this topic, expanding the vision of ‘more and more’ to establishing the individual on a cosmic level. He gave his answer to a question on the hunger of students for spiritual experience, for a deeper purpose or meaning in life. Maharishi explained that because more than the most is available somewhere, the memory is there that I am infinity, I am Totality. The memory is there, and so the desire of students and everyone for more and more is completely natural to life.

The role of education
How does one come to realize the fullness of that faint inner awareness that he is infinity? ‘This theme of rising into pure wakefulness of infinity, eternity, unboundedness, is a natural phenomenon in nature,’ Maharishi explains. ‘It is not an artificial thing. That is why it is just a matter of awakening—bringing it to the awareness of the students, giving them a lead into that experience, and telling them something about it.’

This is the role of education—providing knowledge which unfolds that which is hidden from view and ‘bringing the experience of that unboundedness toward which all streams of aspirations, all desires of the mind, and all decisions of the intellect are moving always, by nature, in that direction’. Education which does this fulfils the natural desire of students ‘for more and more knowledge, for more and more ability to act’. It is a matter of discovering that which is already existing, just hidden from view.

Unfolding what is hidden
Maharishi elaborates, ‘Anything in the field of knowledge is only being awakened in the awareness of the student, just because it has been there, it will be there. It will be there for every generation of students. It will be there in every generation of youth. It will be there in every generation of older people.’ He continues, referring to a familiar saying, ‘“For men may come and men may go”—the physiology of man may come or go—“but I go on forever.” This is the voice of infinity, eternity, immortality. . .’ which, Maharishi says, is ‘the ocean of bliss in waves of bliss.’

It is bringing the omnipresent bliss to our awareness that is necessary.  Infinity is brought to our awareness Maharishi says, ‘so that we are open to the infinity of knowledge, with an infinity of ability to use that knowledge. This knowledge of using infinity belongs to infinity itself. So when we know “Ah, we are infinity”, then it is done. Then, there is no more search. Then, on the plateau of the search is Unity Consciousness—all behaviour on the level of Unity Consciousness. Then we know, “Oh, this is nothing new; it has been there, it has been here, it has been through all the senses, it has been experienced through all the faculties of gaining knowledge. It was there, only I did not know. My awareness was not there.”’

Rising to higher states of consciousness
Maharishi points out that ‘All knowledge depends on health.’ The realization of higher states of consciousness, including Unity Consciousness, the seventh and highest state of human consciousness, depends upon the functioning of the physiology, the physical value awakening to higher and higher levels of functioning. ‘All these seven states of consciousness have a corresponding physiology—seven states of consciousness and corresponding to that, the physiology,’ he explains.
Growth to higher states of consciousness and, correspondingly, different states of the physiology, is the natural move of life towards the realization of Vedic knowledge—’Aham Brahmasmi’, I am Totality. ‘This,’ Maharishi says, ‘is the move of our consciousness on the mental level, our consciousness on the intellectual level, our consciousness on the ego level.’

He expounds further, bringing to fulfilment every student’s desire for more and more, for the highest value of life for himself and society. He says, ‘We have in our ego a cosmic ego, and when we open our awareness to it, then it becomes our ego. Our individual ego becomes a cosmic ego for its existence, for its  knowledge, for its activity in Totality. Infinity is lively in our own ego, intellect, mind, behaviour, senses, in our whole society.’ Once the physiology has achieved the highest value, the individual lives life on a cosmic level.

Speaking of Unity Consciousness, Maharishi says, ‘It is a huge occupation of infinite magnitude of the territory of one’s influence, once we are in the seventh state of consciousness. That is the education [Consciousness-Based Education] that is being provided to the students,’ education to allow the natural move of consciousness to rise to that infinite, holistic, total value of life on the level of the mind, intellect, and ego, education for the evolution of the individual to the highest level of human existence.

Establishing the curriculum of teaching wholeness
On a practical level, Maharishi has made the knowledge of Totality available through the Global Country of World Peace. ‘Imparting the awareness of the individual to his own extreme potential is the ability of the Education Ministry of the Global Country of World Peace. To prepare the whole physiology for this level of functioning is the responsibility and the undertaking of the Ministry of Health of the Global Country,’ he says.

Fortunately, the education that opens the awareness to that universal level simultaneously puts the physiology on the highest level. In one stroke, both of these goals are achieved. ‘The practice of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques, including Yogic Flying, refines the body and makes the body more and more capable of housing the Atma within. When the Atma within is housed properly in the physiology of the body, then the Atma is called Brahm. Then it is the expression of totality of knowledge,’ Maharishi explains.

Maharishi expresses his satisfaction in the role of the Global Country of World Peace in bringing the infinite value of life to everyone’s awareness. ‘That infinity, which was only forgotten, is now being awakened, being brought to awareness. It has been brought to awareness by today’s establishment of the eight ministries by the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace. It is a great satisfaction.

‘Knowledge-wise, we have done this for the world; action-wise, we have done this for the world. We have established this on every level of the nation, state, city, village, and individual—on every level. We have established the curriculum of teaching wholeness at every stage and from every level of activity or dynamism.

‘When we have awakened, just awakened, the individual awareness from the individual to the cosmic level, we have done this for his health; we have done this for his education; we have done this for all possible avenues. We have done this, and we have actualized the whole field of science and technology. We have made the individual the scientist of all knowledge; we have made the individual a successful performer of any action. We have made him capable of acting as a cosmic administrator. We have done this on the level of knowledge and on the level of action.

‘We have brought the individual, fully awakened, to his own cosmic reality, which is his own universal reality. He is the scientist and the technologist of the universe. There is the knowledge and action to move the universe this way, that way.’

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"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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