Students like the Transcendental Meditation Programme because they become relaxed, feel better afterwards, and get better grades after meditating.

The school’s Academic Director, Brother Miguel Angel, has noticed that the children have many positive benefits from their practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM Sidhi Programme.
by Global Good News staff writer
12 July 2010
Mexico is a nation with 108 million inhabitants, which according to research on the Maharishi Effect, needs a group of 1,008 practitioners of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying for the invincibility of the nation.
Through the efforts of one small school in Monterrey, invincibility in Mexico is becoming a reality. The required number of students have received the Yogic Flying Technique and have been creating coherence within the school and for its environment.
In a special film—entitled ‘A few hundred children innocently change the world’—made about this achievement, the school’s Academic Director, Brother Miguel Angel, commented that it gives him great pleasure to greet all their friends of Transcendental Meditation. ‘Transcendental Meditation arrived here and in a gradual manner it has been implemented,’ he said.
‘Each time we have had more students and teachers meditating, and I think in general it has been excellent for all of us that have participated in this programme.
'I have felt that the children have become more orderly . . . . They are more attentive in class and this in turn affects their performance in school. On the other hand, the teachers I feel have felt the benefits, being more free from stress, more willing to listen to the children.’
Brother Miguel then reports that in the area around the school, which has a large population, a series of statistics came out in a newspaper a few months ago that specifically showed the indices of crime rose the least in this town as compared to the other towns.
In all the other municipalities including Monterrey the index of criminality had risen. Brother Miguel said this drop in crime where the school is located ‘gives us great pleasure. I feel that in part it is the influence of the group, what we are doing, all the kids and all the teachers, thanks to Maharishi University in Holland, and the teachers [of Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme] that support us.
‘We are infinitely grateful for having given us this experience and having been chosen as the school to initiate this programme. Many thanks.’
In the film students comment on their own experiences with Transcendental Meditation. One young boy says, ‘I feel that this meditation is good because it calms you and takes away the nervousness. So it's good to meditate because if you have a test it takes away your nervousness and you can remember everything that you studied. So it is good for calming you.'
Three young girls comment:
'I like meditation because in part you become relaxed. . . . I feel good when I do meditation.’
‘I like it a lot because it relaxes me. You are liberated, and you feel very cool.’
‘My experience of meditation is that I like it very much. The changes in me are that I have felt more calm and relaxed, and I'm doing very well with my grades. They have gotten better since I started meditating until today.'
The School’s Administrative Director reports that she and several teachers completed the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. She comments that they are beginning to understand and appreciate the coherence they and the students are all generating for the school. ‘Little by little we are coming together, having more communication. It is easier to think between us what we have to do for our kids . . .
‘Thank you to the whole team and the people who are making it possible for this benefit to come to our school,’ she said. ‘We don't always understand why us, but here we are! Many thanks to the teachers who came from Mexico and Chile and to the three teachers here who have been working so hard. Many thanks.'
The concluding part of the film shows young students practising their Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme and Yogic Flying, a poignant reminder that it is the innocence of youth that is creating invincibility for the nation. The final frame of the film indicates again that the children of Monterrey are changing the world from within.
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