Earl Sheperd's experiences are similar to those of thousands of students all over the world, who have found reduced stress, improved learning ability, and higher academic achievement as a result of their Transcendental Meditation practice.
by Global Good News staff writer
7 January 2011
Earl Sheperd was an honour student in college; years later he retired as a fire captain in San Diego, California, USA. Yet it might have been difficult to predict the successful, fulfilling path of his adult life, from his early school career.
Earl was a high school dropout. 'I barely got out of high school,' he said recently. What happened between high school and college?
In his first semester of junior college, he learnt the Transcendental Meditation Technique (TM).
'Transcendental Meditation—I can't say enough about it,' he commented, going on to describe the dramatic transformation that took place as he continued to practise the technique daily. 'Within the first couple of months, I started TM, and everything changed—just changed.'
'I went from a dropout in high school, to a tutor and an honour student, and a math major in junior college,' he recalled with satisfaction. 'I was so good in math they exempted me from taking tests, and I tutored people.'
Mr Sheperd's experiences are in tune with those of thousands of students all over the world—including many at-risk students—who have found reduced stress, improved learning ability, and higher academic achievement as a result of their Transcendental Meditation practice.
These and many other benefits in education have been documented by scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme. Especially interesting is a growing body of research on development of total brain functioning.
After college, Mr Sheperd continued practising Transcendental Meditation. He gives great credit to the technique for the deep understanding, inner strength, and cultural integrity that developed throughout his life as an adult contributing to his community.
'In every aspect of my life, TM has strengthened me as a human being. Not just as a black man—strengthened me as a black man, it strengthened me as an American. It strengthened all my values, all my faith in everything I've ever put faith in—all my understanding.'
NOTE: Quotes are from interview on youtube.
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