Dr Robert Schneider was invited to present a talk correlating ancient Vedic Science with modern medical science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA.
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review
23 May 2011
Robert Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C., was recently invited by the Center of Indic Studies at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA, to deliver the Patanjali Distinguished Lecture, an annual endowed event.
In a workshop and a public talk, he related Patanjali's Sutras to perfect health as described and actualized by Maharishi Ayurveda, correlating ancient Vedic Science with modern medical science.
"It was quite an honor to be among the top scholars who have delivered the Patanjali Distinguished Lecture," said Dr. Schneider, dean of the College of Maharishi Vedic Medicine.
He said those attending were fascinated by how this new paradigm of health and health care based on the insights of the Vedic seers —Patanjali, Charaka, and Maharishi—is translatable into modern science and supported by research.
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