"By offering Consciousness-Based education to the coming generation, we can promote a strong foundation for a healthy, harmonious, and peaceful world.... And please remember that Consciousness-Based education is not a luxury. For our children who are growing up in a stressful, often frightening, crisis-ridden world, it is a necessity."
—Dr. David Lynch
by TM Magazine, Issue 2
13 April 2012
TM Magazine: In this world of today, where children are being raised over cell phones, how are you planning on bringing the Transcendental Meditation technique to our youth?
Dr. David Lynch: The TM technique is a mental technique, very easy and effortless to do, yet supremely profound in that it allows any human being to dive within—all the way in—through subtler levels of mind and intellect, and transcend, and experience this ocean of pure consciousness at the source of thought, source of mind, source of matter—a beautiful, beautiful area. And this is that field of inner happiness. Inner happiness starts to grow. Consciousness—our ability to understand, our awareness, our wakefulness—all this begins to grow.
I’ve visited schools where they introduced the Quiet Time Program with the Transcendental Meditation technique. Students learn the same knowledge in class. The only difference is that their brain is developing; their mind—the “container of knowledge”—is expanding because they are meditating; they are diving within twice a day during school.
There’s a school in Detroit, the Nataki School. The kids meditate ten minutes together in the morning in the gymnasium, ten minutes in the afternoon in the gymnasium before they go home. They are happy campers—excelling—bright, shiny consciousness on these faces. And you don’t worry about their future. They’re self-sufficient; they’re doing so beautifully.
There’s a great school principal in Washington, D.C., Dr. George Rutherford, who introduced the Transcendental Meditation technique into three different schools that he’s run over the past 20 years. Doc says, “The staff starts meditating, the teachers start meditating, the students start meditating, and then the school just turns around”—because the schools in which he started it were filled with violence, filled with problems.
Unbelievable—but very real, very concrete. Things start happening. You turn off the cell phones for a short time in the morning, a short time in the evening, dive within, and watch life get better and better.
David Lynch holds the Doctor Honorarius degree from The Royal College of Art, England. He is a three-time Academy Award nominated film director, painter, photographer and musician. He is Founder and Chair of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace, and author of Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity.
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