Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


boy tming
Meditating students also show reduced stress levels, anxiety, depression, violence, and substance abuse. This results in reduced absenteeism, dropout rates, suspensions, and expulsions.



Saving lives by helping people overcome traumatic stress
by Mario Orsatti at www.tm.org/blog
8 October 2012

More than 250,000 at-risk children and adults who suffer from the devastating effects of acute stress have learned the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique over the past five years through the work of the David Lynch Foundation. Based on these experiences and a growing body of research documenting the dramatic benefits of TM practice for those suffering from post-traumatic stress, large-scale projects in schools, veteran service organizations, prisons, and homeless shelters are beginning in countries all over the world.

A new short video is an inspiring highlight reel of some of the many TM projects funded by the David Lynch Foundation.

Video highlights:

War Veteran:

“A year ago this month I was suicidal. I was so low that I just wanted to not be here. . . . Transcendental Meditation saved my life.”

California inner-city school student:

“I used to say, ‘I’m gonna get my grades up, I’m gonna do better.’ But still it was just what I said, it never happened. Until I started meditating.”

Congolese refugee:

“After my husband died my in-laws turned against me. They tortured me, almost killed me. . . Those days I used to cry too much but now even the tears, they are holding. I’m great.”

Oregon Prison inmate:

“If you just take the time to meditate, free your mind, everything will come together.”

New York City man recovering from homelessness:

“I was just so frustrated and full of misguided anger I didn’t know where to direct it to. Now people tell me, ‘You’re so calm.’ It’s surprising even to me.”

Native American tribal elder:

“I lost four members of my family to diabetes. I don’t want that to happen to my people. . . . Since I started TM my sugar has been where it should be. So, I’m sold on TM.”

Dr. Mehmet Oz:

“Speaking as a scientist the amazing thing about Transcendental Meditation is the very well-established research showing the technique impacts things that we didn’t think were changeable.”

CNN anchor Candy Crowley:

“The initial research on the effects of Transcendental Meditation in treating PTSD offers so much hope. Better then many things being tried—but at far less a cost.”

Sir Paul McCartney:

“The kids love it—kids in the West Bank love it, kids in Brazil love. . . .”

“I think this [TM] is what people need. They don’t need high minded talk, they need results.”

For more information visit the David Lynch Foundation.


© Copyright 2012 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization.


"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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