Rinpoche said he felt MUM is "Heaven on Earth."
by Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, The Review
31 December 2015
Recognized as a reincarnation of a 15th century master, Chogyal Rinpoche spent a week on campus last month and learned the Transcendental Meditation technique.
Rinpoche, who has founded an orphanage, a charitable foundation, and a number of institutes, gave a presentation on campus about his life as a monk (which began at age five), his study, his reincarnation, his desire to help others, his establishment of institutes to help the disadvantaged, and his meditation.
Hosted by Bill Goldstein, dean of global development, he visited many departments on campus and even had his EEG taken during Buddhist meditation and during Transcendental Meditation.
"All who met Rinpoche were delighted by his happiness and openness," Mr. Goldstein said. "We plan to work together on the development of an ideal sustainable village with MUM students participating in its creation as part of their field projects."
Rinpoche learned of MUM during a visit to China when MUM student Zoey Jiang and some of Rinpoche's followers in China who have learned the Transcendental Meditation technique encouraged him to visit campus.
During is presentation, Rinpoche said he felt MUM is "Heaven on Earth." He marveled at Maharishi's achievement and said he will follow Maharishi's steps to help the world.
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