Australia's Maharishi Primary
by Global Good News staff writer
July 2006
On June 15, 2006, Kelly Ryan of the Melbourne Herald Sun in Australia
reported that students at the Reservoir Primary School are giving
new meaning to the expression ‘higher learning’. They
are practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme
twice a day as part of their curriculum.
Teachers say the pupils are more focused, make more intelligent decisions,
and express a greater sense of themselves than before they began
the practice.Teachers and parents at the Reservoir school believe
the age-old meditation technique could help cut soaring student stress
Already principal Frances Clarke said proof of the benefits is apparent
in her fifty pupils. ‘There has been a noticeable change in
their growth and enthusiasm for schoolwork,’ she said.
The school has enlisted the help of Dr Ashley Deans to introduce
other schools to the same approach. Quantum physicist, Dr Deans,
is principal of the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment
in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, which has enjoyed twenty years of success
as a result of this programme.
According to Dr Deans, hundreds of published studies have reported
that the practice of the Transcendental Meditation Technique produces
a wide range of benefits when applied in schools, leading to unprecedented
educational outcomes—academically, artistically, in creative
problem solving, in sports, and in the development of good citizenship.
At Maharishi School in Iowa, Upper School grades consistently score
in the top one percent on standardized tests both nationally and
in Iowa, and the school has won over a hundred state, national, and
international championships in the past decade.
According to Dr Pat Bassett, President
of the National Association of Independent Schools, USA, ‘Maharishi
School is a world-renowned independent school of the highest calibre.'
Similar successes have
been reported at hundreds of schools, colleges, and universities
around the world, with students representing a broad spectrum of
economic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. These include institutions
as diverse as inner city middle schools in Detroit and Washington,
DC, a university in Beijing, a vocational college in South Africa,
and over one hundred and fifty schools in India.
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