Lyric Benson, BA
Maharishi University of Management
by Global Good News staff writer
July 2006
At 22, Lyric Benson has experienced more of life
than some people twice her age. Though successful and accomplished
in acting, directing, and writing, at nineteen she left the seemingly
glamorous world of entertainment, because something was missing from
her life. When she learned the Transcendental Meditation Technique,
Lyric quickly found the health, happiness, peace, and inner fulfilment
that had eluded her.
From famous, gifted, theatrical parents, Lyric spent
most of her childhood in Los Angeles behind various film and television
sets as an apprentice to her father, actor/writer/director Robby
Benson: Ice Castles, One on One, Running Brave, The
Chosen, and the voice of the ‘Beast’ in Disney’s
Beauty and the Beast. Some of his directing credits include, Friends and Dharma
and Greg. Although it was a great learning experience, it didn't
take long for Lyric to realize that the film industry can be extremely
superficial, ‘the illusion of all illusions’.
After attending college prep schools, Lyric decided
to follow in her family's artistic footsteps. At seventeen she was
awarded the title of California Arts Scholar for her photography,
and then went on to attend the prestigious New York University's
Film School (NYU).
As a freshman at NYU, Lyric was at the top of her
class. After writing her first screenplay, entitled Miracle in
Maine, Nebraska, her professors were so impressed that they
placed her directly into the senior screenwriting class. Lyric was
only the second student in the NYU Film School's long and illustrious
history to be given this honour. She continued writing screenplays
at such a rate, with such professional quality, that her professors
encouraged her to return to Los Angeles to sell them. Inspired by
their confidence in her ability she returned to LA.
Almost immediately she began developing a project
with a production company affiliated with Sony Pictures. Yet, despite
all her relative successes, Lyric knew something was missing. She
explains, ‘I was so stressed out. All my achievements looked
really nice on paper, but for some reason I just wasn't happy. I
also had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which is a very painful
muscle disorder. I tried almost everything, but it just wouldn't
go away. I knew I needed something, I just didn't know where else
to look.’ Soon after realizing this, her parents decided to
move to Boone, North Carolina and Lyric resolved to follow. Lyric
explains, ‘This may sound funny, but I had always wanted to
own a cow. I knew that this was my chance.’
A few months later, Lyric met her TM teacher while
walking her miniature Jersey cow, Lola, down a country road near
her home. Lyric recalls, ‘When we moved to North Carolina,
I suddenly had this strong desire to learn to meditate. But, I thought, ‘Where
am I going to learn to meditate in Boone, North Carolina? I'm in
middle of nowhere.’ Then, one day a bright, radiant lady came
walking down the road towards me. I asked her if she wanted to pet
my cow and we started talking. Somehow I mentioned I wanted to learn
meditation, and she revealed that she was a Transcendental Meditation
teacher. It was so amazingly easy! Nature just organized.’
Two weeks after learning the Transcendental Meditation
Technique, Lyric's life-long muscle disorder vanished. She exclaimed, ‘I
thought it was some sort of miracle. I knew TM must be something
really amazing in order to melt away all my muscle problems so quickly.’
Thirsting for more knowledge and experience, she
immediately enrolled at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield,
Iowa, where she learnt the TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying. Lyric
then returned to Boone, North Carolina to join the Mother Divine
Programme, which is committed to developing higher states of consciousness
and living as a professional peace-creating group. There, she
finished up her B.A. degree in Maharishi’s Vedic Science and
recently graduated magna cum laude from Maharishi University of Management.
Lyric explains, ‘I just realized the reason
I wanted to be a writer was because I simply wanted to help people.
I wanted to bring them out of suffering in whatever little way I
could. If I thought I saw an injustice in the world, I would write
about it, hoping to shed some light on the darkness. But I soon realized
that tackling problem by problem in this way is extremely ineffective,
and if I continued at this pace, it could take me a thousand lifetimes
to make any real changes in society. That’s why I am so fulfilled
being on the Mother Divine Programme. I am dispelling the darkness
by becoming the light, and radiating that light and coherence
through the Unified Field to all society. It’s so fulfilling.
I am infinitely grateful for this knowledge of the Vedic Tradition
of Total Knowledge, which His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has
brought out of India for the whole world to enjoy.’
Lyric plans to dedicate her life to spreading the
profound message of Maharishi's Vedic Science. She enthusiastically
states, ‘I want to be the embodiment of Vedic Wisdom, by living
and teaching the absolute truth of eternal freedom. And it's so simple
and easy because it's within the Self of everyone.’
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