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Vedic Pandits from India performing Yagyas and Yogic Flying in America to crown the country with Invincibility.

Vedic Pandits from India performing Yagyas and Yogic Flying in America to crown the country with Invincibility.



Vedic Pandits of India transform America
by Global Good News staff writer
December, 2006

Vedic Pandits, trained from their youth in Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Vedic Education in India, have joined the Invincible America Course. At present hundreds of Pandits have joined hundreds of other practitioners of Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme of all ages from across America and around the world to quietly transform the nation and raise the country to a permanent state of peace, prosperity and invincibility.

The Vedic Pandits arrived on the campus of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) in Fairfield, Iowa, in groups of 20 to 50 throughout the month of November. MUM and the Global Country of World Peace are providing beautiful, comfortable accommodation built according to Natural Law, using ancient principles of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, for up to 1,050 Vedic Pandits arriving in the coming weeks.

The Pandits belong to the ancient tradition of Vedic Knowledge, which has been revived throughout India and the world by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

According to the Executive Vice-President of MUM, Dr Craig Pearson, 'Vedic Pandits are specially trained from boyhood to apply the Vedic Technologies of Consciousness for developing total brain potential and creating coherence and peace in society.'

These technologies include the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® programmes, including Yogic Flying, and other Vedic procedures, all of which have been scientifically proven to generate the enlivenment of Natural Law—creating and maintaining peace in the environment.

His Excellency Dr Girish Chandra Varma, Director-General of the Maharishi World Capital of Peace at the Brahmasthan of India, is establishing groups of 1,008 peace-creating experts in 256 cities across India. Through their daily performance of Yoga and Yagya these groups will generate invincibility for every nation.

Maharishi has restored the system of Yagya in its purity and effectiveness, and thousands of Vedic Pandits of India are being trained in their performance, to neutralize negativity in world consciousness and restore balance in Nature. Through the Yagya Programme, individuals and whole nations can be saved from the influence of their past actions.

Now groups of Vedic Pandits are travelling to America to fortify the nation. As each group of Pandits arrived in Chicago, they were greeted with garlands, a large banner in Vedic script, refreshments, and a bagpiper. They were then brought in luxury coaches to Fairfield where they received a warm welcome.

The entire city of Fairfield and neighbouring Maharishi Vedic City are honoured by the arrival of the Vedic Pandits. The whole atmosphere is surcharged with the bliss of their arrival.

For further information on the Invincible America Assembly, visit:


"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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