Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Ali Plaut, MA, Student of Maharishi University of Enlightenment
Ali Plaut, MA
Student of Maharishi University of Enlightenment


No matter what I do in life, I know I already have inner fulfillment
by Ali Plaut M.A.
June 2006

I chose to attend Consciousness-Based Education because I wanted fulfillment— immediately. I noticed that education purports to prepare us for a successful life and a “successful life” is supposed to bring us some sense of fulfillment. However, I saw that with Consciousness-Based Education I didn’t have to wait until the end of my life to gain fulfillment; I could have fulfillment immediately, because it would not be hinged on relative accomplishments. Through Consciousness-Based Education (CBE), I have found total fulfillment within my Self.

I experienced that the key component of Consciousness-Based Education is pure consciousness, the Self, which is a reservoir of creativity, intelligence and bliss at the source of thought. This experience of pure consciousness within my Self has given me an unshakeable basis of bliss. No matter what I do in life, I know I already have inner fulfillment.

To imagine the bliss I experience through Consciousness-Based Education, think of the happiest moment of your life, when your heart and mind were filled with indescribable joy.  Now think of having that experience all the time. Imagine getting up in the morning, brushing your teeth, or sitting in a class at school and feeling, “This is the best moment of my life”. And it never ends—in my experience, each day just gets better and better.

Along with inner bliss, Consciousness-Based Education creates fulfillment on every level. Traditionally education involves intellectual knowledge, and CBE never fails to satisfy my intellect. I have always loved knowledge, but I became dissatisfied when I realized that with anything I learned in any subject, I experienced there was more to be known. My knowledge could never really be complete. I was fortunate to never really have to live with that dissatisfaction.  Through the Transcendental Meditation Technique™, the experiential element of Consciousness-Based Education, I experienced the source of all knowledge within my Self. 

I remember the first time I experienced all knowledge within my Self.  During my TM-Sidhi program I experienced that the entire universe of knowledge seemed infinitesimal compared to the unbounded field of wakefulness I was experiencing. The whole universe felt like lively pulsations within that unbounded field. Without knowing all the minute details, I felt I already had all knowledge; that the source of all knowledge was available to me whenever I wanted to experience it. The term "total knowledge" that I had heard in my classes popped into my mind. There was nothing beyond this experience. This was “total knowledge”.

At the same time, Consciousness-Based Education has given me an intellectual framework for knowledge. Whenever I am exposed to a new discipline of study, it seems familiar. I am able to grasp the concepts, because I see the same underlying principles in every discipline.  Every aspect of knowledge feels familiar—I feel I am always at home with the knowledge.

What Consciousness-Based Education has given me is so enormous that it can never really be captured in words. Consciousness-Based Education has not only provided me with total inner fulfillment, it has, in the same stroke, provided me with the means to achieve anything in life. Therefore CBE is supremely practical.  

The field of pure consciousness that my fellow students and I experience through the Transcendental Meditation technique, is the common basis of all the laws of nature.  Therefore, through the simple experience of our Self, we have become familiar with all the laws of nature and are able to spontaneously use all the laws of nature to fulfill our desires. I know it sounds hard to believe, but it is so easy and natural—it happens spontaneously. My parents often marvel at the way everything just falls into place for me. 

However, I am not unique. Inner bliss, total knowledge, and the ability to fulfill any desire are the natural results of Consciousness-Based Education. Anyone can enjoy more and more knowledge and fulfillment in life. There is no need to wait. Through Consciousness-Based Education I have realized that all possibilities are available right now. It is up to you. If you want fulfillment, it can be yours.

Essay submitted by Ali Plaut

© Copyright 2006, Global Good News(sm) Service

"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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