by Suzanna Mullenneaux
October, 2006
In 1993 Jennie Rothenberg graduated from Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield, Iowa USA. She was a National Merit Finalist and has continued to put her creative and literary talents to great use. After finishing high school Jennie studied literature as an undergraduate student at Maharishi University of Management and then pursued a graduate degree in journalism at UC Berkley. From there, she went on to work as associate editor at The Atlantic Monthly magazine in Washington, DC.
When asked about how the education she received at Maharishi School has impacted her professionally she said, "I had some really fantastic writing teachers
at both Maharishi School and Maharishi University of Management. I learned a huge amount about editing just by seeing the edits they made to my work. I also have to say that, in general, we were brought up to look beneath
the surface of things
— to look for hidden connections and not be satisfied with anything superficial. That gave me an amazing advantage as a writer."
Jennie has worked as both an editor and a writer in the magazine field. When asked about the challenges of her work she explains that “as an editor, the biggest challenge is to understand someone else's vision and help draw it out without damaging its integrity. As a writer, the challenge is to sort through huge piles of information and then go to a deeper level, figuring out what it all actually means. Then you have to tell the story in the most vibrant words you can and hope that an editor doesn't ruin it!"
In addition to her job as associate editor, Jennie enjoys playing the guitar, spending time with her friends and taking in the highlights of city life.
She looks forward to the future with enthusiasm, and hopes to be able to balance her desire for marriage and family life with her desire to continue to develop her career as a writer and possibly author a few fantastic books.
It is clear that the foundation of Consciousness-Based education that she received at Maharishi School gives her the edge she needs to be able to achieve her goals and enjoy a well-balanced life. When asked to share her reflections about her choice of high schools she replied, "Just that we were so, so lucky."
Published with permission by Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, Fairfield, Iowa, USA