The supreme value of law is taught at Maharishi Vedic University: the supreme value of Natural Law, is to be found in the first syllable of Veda, 'A', from which the whole Veda, and indeed the whole universe, emerges.
by Dr Raja Peter Warburton—Raja of England for the Global Country of World Peace
27 July 2007
Dr Peter Warburton—Raja of England for the Global Country of World Peace—explains that at Maharishi Vedic University the knowledge embraces all the traditional content of each discipline, but on the foundation of the field of Total Knowledge, and as an expression of Total Knowledge.
Law (Constitution)
The definition of the knowledge provided by the faculty of Law at Maharishi Vedic University is: 'Veda is the Constitution of the Universe. "A"* is the first syllable of the Veda; therefore, "A" stands for Total Knowledge of Law. Total Knowledge, the total science and technology of Natural Law, the Veda, is embodied in its first syllable "A".'
'This,' Raja Peter reflected, 'is a most profound definition of Law. It contrasts with current law faculties, where law is seen as a way to deal with problems: how to pass laws to restrict behaviour this way or that, to avoid problems.
'At Maharishi Vedic University, law is taken to the highest level—the Constitution of the Universe, the totality of Natural Law, which governs every aspect of life and everything in the universe, and takes everything through sequential steps of evolution to the ultimate level of fulfilment.
'This is the supreme value of law that is taught in the Faculty of Law at Maharishi Vedic University. The essence of that value of law, Total Natural Law, is Veda; Veda is the science and technology of Total Natural Law. The first syllable of Veda is "A".
'So the total value of law, the supreme value of Natural Law, is to be found in the first syllable of Veda, "A", from which the whole Veda, and indeed the whole universe, emerges.'
* Maharishi has defined 'A' in this way: 'A' is the first syllable of Rk Veda. Rk Veda starts AK NI MI LE PU RO HI TAM....... 'A' is the first sound. 'A' is defined in the Vedic Language, in the Vedic Literature, as total speech, A-karo vai sarva vak--'A' only is total speech. Total speech of whom? Total speech of Totality, Atma [the Self].’
So 'A' is the expression of transcendental, self-referral consciousness. It is the expression of infinite silence and infinite dynamism within the infinite ocean of consciousness. That is why Maharishi says that 'A' is the syllable of Total Knowledge, the Veda. Maharishi has also revealed that because 'A' is the first sound of the Veda, it contains the blueprint of the entire universe, as everything emerges from there as the first sprouting of a seed.
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