by Dr Raja Peter Warburton—Raja of England
for the Global Country of World Peace
16 July 2007
In a very inspiring discourse, Dr Raja Peter Warburton— Raja of England for the Global Country of World Peace— outlined the vision of health offered by Maharishi Vedic University.
Raja Peter explained that at Maharishi Vedic University the knowledge embraces all the traditional content of each discipline, but on the foundation of the field of Total Knowledge, and as an expression of Total Knowledge.
He revealed that to be established in the field of immortality is the ideal of perfect health, which is supported by Total Knowledge, the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the Veda, as embodied in its first syllable, 'A'*.
Once again, Raja Peter pointed out that this is the most profound approach to health—handling health not from the surface level, but from the level where health emerges, from where the physiology itself emerges, from the field of transcendental, immortal consciousness—the field of perfect health.
Perfect health is promoted by gaining Total Knowledge through the science and technology of Total Natural Law; and that is Veda; and Veda is embodied in its first syllable, 'A'.
So the knowledge of perfect health—not the knowledge of dealing with isolated facets of disease here or there, but the knowledge of perfect health—is traced back to its source 'A'. Every discipline is traced to its origin in 'A'
Similarly each branch of knowledge offered by the 12 faculties of Maharishi Vedic University (MVU), can be traced to its origin in the Veda and thus to the first syllable of Veda from which all of Veda flows— the syllable 'A'.
Raja Peter presented a wall chart which gave an overview of the MVU curriculum, showing all disciplines synthesized in 'A'. He said, 'This is the beginning of study at Maharishi Vedic University, the first step. The next stage is to analyse "A" and discover its inner dynamics and all the stages through which "A" emerges in a natural sequence—through the gap that follows it, into the entire Veda and Vedic literature, the human physiology, and the whole manifest universe, including all of the fields of knowledge and action studied in the different faculties of Maharishi Vedic University.
'"A", being totality, is taught to the students of Maharishi Vedic University in every lesson, in every discipline, from the points of view of both synthesis and analysis. All study in every faculty is taught with reference to both the science and the technology of total Natural Law—with reference to systematic, scientific understanding and direct practical experience—and this means with reference to the Veda.'
'This,' Raja Peter concluded, 'will fulfil the goal of Maharishi Vedic University to impart Total Knowledge to every student, while he is gaining expertise in his chosen field of study.'
Raja Peter ended with a quote from Maharishi, 'The value of Total Knowledge cannot be over-estimated because the unfoldment of infinite creativity through Total Knowledge is the basis to fulfil all desires and realise all possibilities in daily life.'
* Maharishi has defined 'A' in this way: '"A" is the first syllable of Rk Veda. Rk Veda starts AK NI MI LE PU RO HI TAM......."A" is the first sound. 'A' is defined in the Vedic Language, in the Vedic Literature, as total speech, A-karo vai sarva vak--"A" only is total speech. Total speech of whom? Total speech of Totality, Atma [the Self].'
So 'A' is the expression of transcendental, self-referral consciousness. It is the expression of infinite silence and infinite dynamism within the infinite ocean of consciousness. That is why Maharishi says that 'A' is the syllable of Total Knowledge, the Veda. Maharishi has also revealed that because 'A' is the first sound of the
Veda, it contains the blueprint of the entire universe, as everything emerges from there as the first sprouting of a seed.
Copyright © 2007 TM News, UK
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