Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Dr Peter Warburton— Raja of England— explains how the enlightened curriculum of Maharishi Central University has its basis in the Unified Field of Pure Knowledge.



Excellence in the field of education
by Dr Raja Peter Warburton—Raja of England for the Global Country of World Peace
7 July 2007

Dr Peter Warburton—Raja of England for the Global Country of World Peace—said that in this Year of the Capitals of Global Raam Raj—of the administration of Raam—which Maharishi has characterized as pure spirituality, pure knowledge, pure Creative Intelligence, the curriculum of Maharishi Central University is being developed. Dr Warburton is a very experienced teacher and exponent of Maharishi's Total Knowledge, and is responsible for this new curriculum development.

‘Maharishi Central University,’ he said, ‘is founded on knowledge of the Unified Field, in which the source of every field of academic study can be located—in the one Unified Field of Pure Knowledge and Infinite Organizing Power.

‘All possible disciplines of study, in any area of life,’ he said, ‘can be shown to have its foundation in the Veda—which is the field of Total Knowledge—embodied in the first sound of Veda, “A”*, from which the entire Veda, through a sequence of sounds and gaps, unfolds naturally in a perfect manner.

‘Veda,’ he explained, ‘is also expressed in the human physiology, as has been shown by the historic work of Maharaja Nader Raam.

Maharaja Raam's Global Country of World Peace,’ Dr Warburton said, ‘is the expression of Global Raam Raj (ideal administration through Natural Law) emerging from that field of Infinite Silence, which is the field of Raam. Similarly, all disciplines are rooted in that. So now we are taking it a step further to examine each of those disciplines' in the light of Raam.

‘In each Ministry of Maharaja Raam's Cabinet, in each area of administration, we can trace the science and technology of total Natural Law, how it is embodied in the first syllable of Veda, “A.”'

The presentation recalled Dr Warburton's beautiful exposition during the 12 January global celebrations, during which he illustrated how the narrow-waisted 'Damaru' (drum shape) is symbolic of the way in which all disciplines are founded in 'A'. ‘We synthesized everything in “A”, and (then) we analysed “A”, and found everything within that,’ he explained.

‘We found the entire emergence of Veda’, he continued, ‘and then “Aham Veda”I am Veda; then “Aham Sharira”—I am the human physiology; and expressed from that, “Aham vishwam”I am the whole universe; and from that, “Aham Brahmasmi”I am the state of Unified Totality. This is where diversity becomes unified again.

‘Thus in every Ministry of Maharaja Raam's Cabinet, we find all areas of knowledge and all programmes of every Ministry rooted in “A”; and when we analyze within “A”, we find the expansion of all the activities and programmes of those 12 ministries of government.

‘So this intelligence, embodied in Maharishi's representation of the Holy Tradition of Masters, is unfolding in this Year of Global Raam Raj, and expanding into the administration of the Rajas and Ministers who are functioning from that level of pure knowledge, the level of supreme rulership—Raam.

‘All the languages of the world are the local expressions of total Natural Law,’ Raja Peter explained. ‘The language of the Veda, however, represents the pure value of total Natural Law of Raam expressing itself from “A.”'

‘The Rajas are now infusing this unifying value of Raam Raj in their administration of the languages of the world, as part of Maharishi's Seven-Point Programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society and a peaceful world.

‘All the Rajas are dedicating themselves to the accomplishment and fulfilment of Maharishi's great vision for the world, to bring enlightenment and invincibility to every individual and every nation of our dear world family,’ Dr Warburton said. ‘These supreme values are the expression of the realization of that field of Raam Raj through education, to share with everyone in our world family the key to inner thinking from the level of pure education—the Veda.’

* Maharishi has defined 'A' in this way: '"A" is the first syllable of Rk Veda. Rk Veda starts AK NI MI LE PU RO HI TAM......."A" is the first sound. 'A' is defined in the Vedic Language, in the Vedic Literature, as total speech, A-karo vai sarva vak--"A" only is total speech. Total speech of whom? Total speech of Totality, Atma [the Self].'

So 'A' is the expression of transcendental, self-referral consciousness. It is the expression of infinite silence and infinite dynamism within the infinite ocean of consciousness. That is why Maharishi says that 'A' is the syllable of Total Knowledge, the Veda. Maharishi has also revealed that because 'A' is the first sound of the Veda, it contains the blueprint of the entire universe, as everything emerges from there as the first sprouting of a seed.

Copyright © 2007 TM News, UK



"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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