Excellence in Action resulting from students optimizing brain functioning


Consciousness-Based Education promotes the blossoming of the students' full creative potential in higher states of consciousness.



What is Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education? An in-depth look
Part 4 — Maharishi's Principles of Ideal Teaching

(See May & June Archives for Parts 1,2 & 3, entitled 'What is Maharishi Consciousness-Base Education? An in-depth look')
by Global Good News staff writer
7 July 2007

As discussed in the previous articles on Consciousness-Based Education, the foundation for the curriculum at Consciousness-Based schools is both the direct experience and intellectual understanding of the field of the student’s own consciousness.

Every day the students enliven and awaken that all-powerful, all-nourishing field through their twice-daily group practice of Maharishi’s Technologies of Consciousness—the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes.

And every point of knowledge given out by the teachers in every class is connected back to that universally relevant field. As a result, everything the students study is meaningful to them.

Maharishi’s Principles of Ideal Teaching

Over the past five decades, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—the founder of Consciousness-Based Education—has brought to light more than 100 specific principles of how to teach and structure a curriculum based on the Laws of Nature that govern learning. At Consciousness-Based schools, the teachers are specially trained to use these profound principles and unique Consciousness-Based teaching techniques to make learning easy and fulfilling.

When applied in the classrooms of Consciousness-Based schools, these principles help ensure efficient and fulfilling learning; they naturally refine and strengthen the different levels of the student’s personality—perception, mind, intellect, feelings and ego—and thereby promote the blossoming of the students’ full creative potential in higher states of consciousness. Experienced, accomplished teachers will recognize many of these principles as natural features of their own teaching.

Wholeness at a glance

One of the most effective of these instructional techniques is the use of specially designed wall charts containing the most important knowledge of every class. Each specific main point is shown in context of the whole subject and the student’s own full development. Seeing what they are studying in light of their own development throughout the school day, cultures the students’ ability to maintain broad comprehension and sharp focus at the same time. This culminates, in higher states of consciousness, with unbounded, blissful awareness maintained at all times as the background of every perception and thought.

Student expression

Maharishi has also emphasized the importance of students expressing aloud what they have learnt. This process demands analysis and synthesis, and develops holistic awareness. When students speak out what they have learnt in their classes, every subject they study becomes very concrete, settled and established in their awareness.

At Consciousness-Based schools, students have the opportunity to express what they have learnt many times a day, week, and month—reviewing at the end of every class, every day, every week, every quarter and every year. Through repetition and review the students integrate what they have learnt, relating everything to their own Self-development.

Rather that memorizing for a test and then forgetting, at Consciousness-Based schools students relate what they have learnt to practical living in their own daily life through specially designed intellectual exercises and artistic activities.

Developing wholeness

All of Maharishi’s Principles of Ideal Teaching are directed toward one end: to enliven Self-referral thinking and action in the student—developing wholeness of awareness, the integration of eternal silence and infinite dynamism in one holistic awareness, which is the natural experience in higher states of consciousness.

‘Everything goes so smoothly at our school, you don’t even notice that you’re learning; but when we do the Review of the Day and Review of the Week, I realize how much I’ve learnt. It’s all so enjoyable.’

—Consciousness-Based Education High School student

To learn more about Consciousness-Based Education or to start a Consciousness-Based school in your city, please visit: http://www.CBEprograms.org

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service

"The potential of every student is infinite. The time of student life should serve to unfold that infinite potential so that every individual becomes a vibrant centre of Total Knowledge."—Maharishi

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