Maharishi explains in the Science of Being that,‘Everything in the universe is constantly influencing every other thing.’
Part 1
by Global Good News staff writer
14 April 2007
In today’s competitive business world, money is often the prime motivator, leaving as secondary the issues of the environment, and the health and well-being of workers and consumers. His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Vedic Science has brought a new enlightened and scientific perspective to business and industry, transforming old principles to be more in accord with Total Natural Law.
Maharishi’s Vedic Science points out that for business and industry to be completely successful, it must be in accord with Natural Law–which is always evolutionary to everyone and everything. Maharishi explains in his book Celebrating Perfection in Education that it is not right that industry, which is the basis of national existence and progress, remains out of the field of enlightenment.
Since it is not possible to consciously compute action which is totally in accord with Natural Law, the simplest way to align all thought and action with Natural Law is to bring one’s awareness to the home of all the Laws of Nature, the Unified Field of Natural Law, through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique. Then spontaneously, thought and behaviour will be increasingly in tune with the Laws of Nature that run the entire universe without a problem.
In 1963, in his book The Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi brought out fascinating principles concerning money and prosperity. Two of these principles are:
- The success of an individual depends on his level of purity, more than the means of his action.
- Every thought and action has an influence on the whole environment. Therefore, how one earns wealth has a direct influence on every aspect of one’s life.
These two principles underscore the importance of thought and action that are in accord with the Laws of Nature in order to create success in business, industry, and all activity; and to create an entirely positive influence for oneself and the environment.
Discussing the means of success, in the Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi explains:
‘Generally, the people in the world, for the success of their actions, count upon their ability of performance of an action, and they count upon the intelligence that they have, upon the creative mind that they possess, and upon the energy that they have. But all these factors are of a secondary importance. The main factor for success and production of results is the purity of the doer.’ When Maharishi speaks of purity, he is referring to how much in accord with Natural Law are one’s thoughts and behaviour.
Maharishi adds that one other factor influencing the results of action is the element of karma, or the fruits of actions performed in the past. There is an old saying, ‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’ This explains that the favourable outcome of our performance is affected by how positive our actions were in the past.
Maharishi explains that the whole universe reacts to individual action. When a stone is thrown in a still pond, the waves reach every area of the pond. Now that modern science describes a Unified Field at the foundation of the whole universe, and the ancient wisdom of Vedic Science also describes a field of unity at the basis of all diverse creation, it is easy to understand that every action affects the whole.
Maharishi explains in the Science of Being and Art Living that, ‘Everything in the universe is constantly influencing every other thing,’ and ‘This shows how dependent and how powerful is the life of the individual. One may not be aware of the influence that he produces in the surroundings, but the influence is produced nonetheless. A good, sweet, loving expression to a child produces a loving and life-supporting influence in the whole of the cosmos. One harsh, cruel word to an individual in a quiet corner will produce that influence of harshness and cruelty throughout creation.’
Maharishi reminds us that a man who has a kind and compassionate nature naturally produces that good influence in his vicinity, and draws around him the influence of happiness and harmony. Interestingly, Maharishi also discusses this principle of reciprocal influence from one’s thoughts and actions in regards to wealth.
Maharishi has said, ‘When we speak of the quality of wealth, what do we mean? A good quality of wealth is that which is earned through means which have helped to elevate the society and improve the life of the people. A poor quality of wealth is that which is gained through illegal or sinful means or through a type of business which provides means to degenerate the spiritual standards of society, lower its consciousness, or directly or indirectly creates a situation whereby the moral, spiritual, and religious sentiments of the people are lowered.’
‘The quality of the wealth is determined by the method of earning—virtuous or impious—as well as by the effects it produces for others. For example, the wealth earned by a business which helps the people in society to grow, to maintain life, and to elevate themselves, certainly produces a very good influence. Any house built with that wealth, and any act done with this wealth will produce a good influence in the atmosphere.’
This information on wealth brings to light that if wealth is gained in a non-virtuous way, it creates a non-positive influence on the person and his heirs. Maharishi specifies that the influence could bring ‘sickness, a low state of consciousness, degenerate ways of life, and a mind clouded with petty and low thoughts.’ However, he adds that giving to charities, which raise consciousness, can offset this influence.
In today’s world, we see the negative effects of the past actions of individuals and of business and industry that were not in accord with Natural Law. But we also see a new awareness and readiness to return life on Earth to more harmony with Nature. Maharishi’s Vedic Science, an aspect of Consciousness-Based Education, offers the technologies to realign life with Total Natural Law.
To see Science of Being and Art of Living, Celebrating Perfection in Education and other books written by Maharishi visit:
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