During the practice of Transcendental Meditation, the entire brain becomes enlivened.
by Global Good News staff writer
10 February 2007
We live in a push-button, high tech society; and youth today are looking for high tech solutions to accomplish their goals effortlessly, smoothly, and blissfully—as blissfully as sliding a cursor over a computer screen while traversing the world of cyber-space.
Fortunately, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, foremost Vedic scholar and scientist of consciousness, has introduced advanced technologies to accomplish anything—yes, anything that is positive and life supporting—with minimum effort. Through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique—the practical technology of Maharishi’s Vedic Science, the science of consciousness—Maharishi has brought to the forefront new principles that are governing life.
For example, an old principle dominating life in the past was that hard work and strain brought success. The old principle of 'One per cent genius, 99 per cent hard work' has been replaced with the Vedic principle, ‘Do Less and accomplish more.’ Moreover, the minimal action needed is characterized by deep bliss and inner fulfilment.
Students around the world who practise Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique and an advanced technique, known as the TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, are finding that their minds are sharper, more focused, efficient, and creative; while fatigue and stress related to learning, sports, and other demanding activity is less.
Scientific research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique shows that those practising the technique have improved grades, increased IQ, improved memory, increased creativity, enhanced athletic performance, and a whole battery of other benefits, including increased satisfaction at work and improved social relations.
The effects are so pronounced and predictable that Maharishi has introduced an entirely new form of education—Consciousness-Based Education—to allow students to unfold their full potential while achieving success in their studies and extra-curricular goals.
Students in Consciousness-Based Education tackle the demands of school, not by increasing strain, stress, and hard work, but by using more of their mental potential, by practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique twice a day for fifteen or twenty minutes. In Consciousness-Based Schools, students meditate right in the classroom. An air of quiet stillness comes over the class, as each student closes his or her eyes, and allows his attention to go within and experience the quiet source of thought, a field of unbounded silence and inner happiness and peace.
Researchers measuring brainwaves of individuals practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique report unique brainwave patterns that indicate the entire brain switches on to a more orderly way of functioning. Moreover, the entire brain becomes enlivened. Brainwave patterns from all parts of the brain become synchronous. Usually an active brain creates brainwaves that are random—not in step with each other. When a person is doing a particular task, like learning a musical instrument, only a part of the brain is activated.
During Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique the entire brain is lively and the brainwaves are in synchrony, meaning that the waves from different parts of the brain are in step with each other. This orderly style of brain functioning has been correlated with increased intelligence and creativity.
These brainwave patterns occur naturally and spontaneously; while inside, the student is experiencing silence and bliss. The student comes out of meditation feeling refreshed. Studies go more easily, in a relaxed way, because the student is rested and relaxed and orderly inside.
More importantly, the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique brings deep inner fulfilment to the student—because he knows himself. The experience of one’s own inner source of happiness— independent of anything from outside—anchors the student in inner stability, peace, and happiness. Learning, achieving, and social interactions become easy when one is grounded in inner peace.
From this level of inner fulfilment, the student easily accomplishes his desires. After all, when anyone can surf the net and travel to the ends of the Earth in seconds, isn’t it time that students also have a faster, more efficient way to learn?
For more information on Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based Education, visit:
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