Students of the Prescott School in Puno, Peru practise Transcendental Meditation.

Educators and Teachers of Transcendental Meditation in Peru meet to discuss the progress of their students and their plans for introducing more students in the country to the benefits of Transcendental Meditation.

Students of the la Merced, Glorioso Colegio San Carlos, practise Transcendental Meditation.
by Global Good News staff writer
17 February 2007
During the last few months, many countries in Latin America have started invincibility programmes, in which groups of students learn Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and its advanced practice, the TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying, to enliven the Constitution of the Universe—total Natural Law—in their countries, by reducing individual as well as collective, atmospheric stress.
The first TM-Sidhi course in Peru's schools was just completed, creating 108 new Yogic Flyers. In the
city of Puno, three schools have started implementing Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education. Children at the La Merced, Glorioso Colegio San Carlos, and Prescott schools are practising Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying in school as part of the school day.
At Glorioso Colegio San Carlos—one of the most famous schools in the city—800 students have learnt Transcendental Meditation, as well as all the teachers and the principal. Those students, some of whom became Yogic Flyers very recently, come together to the school's flying hall at the end of every day—even if it is holiday—to create invincibility for the nation.
Dr Abilma is the principal of the Prescott School, the most famous school in Puno, which is the national champion of excellence in secondary education. Dr Abilma has been systematic and consistent in developing top quality education in the country, most recently by offering the TM-Sidhi course to her students. Recently, Dr Abilma had the beautiful thought that when the school re-opens after the holidays in 3-4 weeks, it will be a Maharishi School.
Already with 500 meditating students, the Prescott School will not only adopt Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education curriculum, but it also will become a Maharishi School, where all students will be learning the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, practising Yogic Flying in a group, and relating each field of their academic studies to their own Self—the knower.
Raja Luis commented that this is an event of profound significance for Peru and Latin America—that a renowned private school which implemented Transcendental Meditation expanded to create a Yogic Flying hall, and now will become a Maharishi School. It is a beautiful story, he said, of how Natural Law itself has created a shortcut to instant invincibility. More news like this will be coming from the domain of Latin America, which is rapidly ushering in the descent of Heaven on Earth.
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