by Global Good News staff writer
10 June 2007
Parents want the best for their children When it comes to education, parents want schools that will give their children the knowledge they need to be happy, creative, productive, successful members of society. Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based schools are being established all over the world to fulfil this deeply and universally cherished desire of parents everywhere—to unfold the full potential of every student.
The Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature The foundation of Consciousness-Based Education is the Maharishi Technology of Consciousness—the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes. At Consciousness-Based schools, students practise the Transcendental Meditation Technique and—when they are old enough—the TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, twice daily in a group. Through these technologies, the students directly experience Transcendental Consciousness—what scientists identify as the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature—the most creative, intelligent, powerful, and blissful level of human awareness.
According to modern physics, the Unified Field underlies and permeates every particle of creation. It is the non-changing source of all the ever-changing expressions of creativity and intelligence in the universe, an unbounded self-sufficient (or self-referral) field of all possibilities. Everything is created, organized, and governed from within the Unified Field.
Owning the Total Potential of Natural Law When students practise the Transcendental Meditation Technique, they not only gain deep rest, become more relaxed, and release any tension or stress that may have accumulated in their physiologies, they also tap into the awesome organizing power and intelligence of Natural Law that runs the whole universe every day—and make it their own.
During the TM-Sidhi Programme the students learn to think and act from this level. When Transcendental Consciousness is fully lively in the students’ awareness, they function spontaneously from the level of the Unified Field all the time—and this is when the students see profound results in their lives.
The goal of education The goal of education is to establish the students’ awareness at this self-sufficient, powerful, creative, blissful level of Nature’s functioning, which is the simplest form of their own awareness. Then their thoughts and actions are always right, supported by the total intelligence of Natural Law, and their desires easily fulfilled: their behaviour is life-nourishing for themselves and others, they cease to make mistakes, they accomplish their goals without obstruction, and their achievements bring increasing fulfilment to themselves and others.
In this way, through the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programmes the students gain the fruit of knowledge—mastery over Natural Law—the ability to know anything, do everything right, and achieve any great goal.
Consciousness-Based Education teaches students how to awaken the support of the Total Potential of Natural Law to fulfil all their desires and live a life free from suffering and mistakes, contributing maximum to the world and enjoying a frictionless flow of progress for themselves and their society. Thus, Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based Education fulfils the universal desire of parents and achieves the goal of education to unfold the full potential of every student.
'The students here glow with happiness and contentment.'—Consciousness-Based school parent
To learn more about Consciousness-Based Education or to start a Consciousness-Based school in your city, please visit:
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