There are more than 150 magnificent schools across India now offering Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education to over 150,000 students.




by Global Good News staff writer
12 March 2007
In India—land of the Veda, land of pure knowledge—a beautiful development in education is taking place. Over 150,000 students begin and end their school day by closing their eyes and experiencing the silent and unbounded state of pure consciousness deep within. They are practising Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme, and go on to learn the TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, as part of the school curriculum.
The students enjoy self-referral consciousness, a natural inner peace through which they become more receptive to knowledge. They exhibit greater alertness, and radiate bliss and friendliness to their classmates and teachers.
This system of education—Maharishi Vedic Science based, Consciousness-Based Education, is available in 150 branches in 118 cities across India. Maharishi Vidya Mandir, as it is called, is the largest chain of privately owned public schools in India; and provides exceptional academic achievement along with co-curricular activities.
Since 1998, the students have enjoyed unparalleled success and awards in debate, classical dancing, chess, drawing and painting, sports, and top-level academics, including achieving 99.6% in senior examinations.
Dr Girish Varma guides the National Board of Directors and is chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools group. In one province of India, the schools were established by a unanimous Act of the Legislative Assembly of Madhya Pradesh and recognized by the University Grants Commission.
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Consciousness-Based Education in the world, says about this education, ‘A Maharishi Vidya Mandir School student will receive knowledge of perfect and invincible management. The purpose of this knowledge is first, to eliminate existing problems in the field of management in all areas of human concern by establishing automation in administration, management supported by the total intelligence of Natural Law.
'Natural Law provides the ideal of management. Its infinite organizing power is evident in the perfect precision and order with which Nature automatically administers the infinite diversity of the universe. When the consciousness of an individual aligns itself with the total intelligence of Natural Law, then he can achieve any great goal with efficiency and ease, and without mistakes.
'Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools train students to enjoy automation in administration as the management in their life, where grand accomplishments are achieved not through strain and exhausting work, but by thought and action being in accord with Natural Law. With management supported by Natural Law, the world will not only be free from problems; everyone will enjoy Heaven on Earth.'
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