Montreal, Quebec is one of the cities in Canada preparing to offer stress free schools to their students.

Dr Clarence Cormier, former Minister of Education in New Brunswick, Canada, and Global Minister of Administration for the Global Country of World Peace, has been the leader and inspiration behind the the introduction of Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education.

Dr Guy-Paul Gagne, Minister of Health for the Canadian Peace Government helped forge the way for Consciousness-Based Education in a High School in Montreal, Canada. This is one of many Canadian schools now focusing on creating invincibility.
by Global Good News staff writer
12 March 2007
In Quebec in eastern Canada, the Saint Dorothy Elementary School, with 300 students on the east side of Montreal, agreed to sign a Letter of Intent to bring Maharishi's Consciousness-Based Education programme to their school so that all their students can learn the Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique.
Also in Montreal, the Minister of Health for the Canadian Peace Government, Dr Guy-Paul Gagne, and one of the local TM Teachers, Dr Dominic Mayers, made a presentation to the principal and faculty of St Luc High School, which has 1700 students. The school agreed that they want to proceed with Consciousness-Based Education and made a presentation to the Montreal School Board to propose that they include the TM Technique in their school curriculum.
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Consciousness-Based Education is bringing to light the missing element at the basis of education, Transcendental Consciousness, which lies at the source of thought and is the fountainhead of Natural Law. The experience of Transcendental Consciousness awakens the total functioning of the brain and makes it possible to unfold the full creative potential of every student.
On the west side of the beautiful city of Montreal, the Vedic Temple of Montreal donated one acre of land to build Maharishi Invincibility Schools for boys and girls. Now they are looking to buy two additional acres of land for the schools, so they can also build an auditorium for 350 people between the two schools.
Finally, in Longueuil, Quebec just south of Montreal, the developers of a two-acre building site have agreed to sell their land, so that two Maharishi Sthapatya Ved Towers can be constructed. One tower will be 12 stories high with 72 condos; and the other tower will be 6 stories high with a Maharishi Enlightenment Centre, and a Maharishi Health Spa on the first two floors, and 24 apartments on the other floors. A presentation about this project was made to 18 Yogic Flyers in the Montreal area and all of them want to live in this Peace Colony.
In British Columbia on the west coast of Canada, a wealthy businessman from Vancouver has donated $60,000 to fund a programme for Consciousness-Based Education in a Vancouver school. With this donation, they will start to teach100 students the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
These positive developments in Canada have resulted from the inspiration and leadership of Dr Clarence Cormier, the former Minister of Education, New Brunswick, and the Global Minister of Administration for the Global Country of World Peace.
Educators who are sincere in their desire to do the most for their students are availing themselves of this knowledge and offering Maharishi Consciousness-Based courses through their educational systems. The result will be generations of students who are enlivening their total brain functioning, on the basis of which they will lead increasingly problem-free, productive, and fulfilling lives, directly contributing to progress in every area of national life.
Visit www.stressfreeschools.org for further information
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