Gandharva teacher and student at Maharishi University of Management

Gandharva students

Gandharva students

Gandharva students
by Global Good News staff writer
19 March 2007
‘Thinking more and more what we can do from the field of Transcendental Consciousness to bring world peace, and investigating into the Vedic Literature, I found there is yet another field we can promote—the field of Gandharva Veda.’
—Maharishi, 1987
Maharishi Gandharva Veda Music is one of the technologies of Maharishi’s Vedic Science for bringing total brain functioning, health, and harmony to the human nervous system—and it creates coherence, progress, and peace in society.
His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has said that, ‘Gandharva Veda is the eternal melody of Nature spontaneously sung at all levels of creation, from the most minute to the huge, enormous, ever-expanding universe.’ In the universe there are so many galaxies, solar systems, and worlds, all moving in perfect harmony and dynamism with everything else. Infinite dynamism and infinite diversity move in rhythm, in an integrated, melodious harmony.
There is order in this rhythmic pattern of the evolutionary process in Nature. This rhythm and melody of the universe is the field of Gandharva Veda.
Maharishi says, ‘This is why we say Gandharva Veda is the music of the universe. Gandharva Veda is the music or melody through which the basic, fundamental intelligence of Nature moves, administers, and governs the infinite diversity of everything in the universe in the most orderly way.’
Gandharva Veda was cognized thousands of years ago by sages of the Vedic tradition, and today His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has revived this music in its completeness and purity by reconnecting it to its source in the Veda and Vedic Literature.
According to the ancient Vedic tradition, Gandharva Veda melodies, called ragas, are not regarded as entertainment, but rather as a technology of upholding life in bliss. The ancient Gandharva Veda sages cognized the inherent intelligence of the frequencies in Nature and mirrored them through music.
Samaya Chakra, Maharishi Gandharva Veda Time Theory, is the theory of applying specific qualities of certain ragas (Gandharva Veda melodies) according to specific times of day or seasons. According to Samaya Chakra, each day is subdivided into eight 3-hour periods or Praharas. Each Prahara is associated with certain subtle qualities in Nature, expressed in the different corresponding ragas. The raga is played at specific times of day or night to align our consciousness and physiology with these qualities of Natural Law lively in creation at that time.
For example, from 4-7 AM, the qualities of tenderness, refinement of the subtlest feeling level, peace, mental clarity, integration of all levels of life, and greater Support of Nature are lively. From 10 AM to 1 PM the qualities of strength in action, greater energy, success in activity, knowledge and wisdom predominate. 10 PM-1 AM represents the qualities of deep rest and relaxation, better sleep, purification, renewal, and rejuvenation.
When we hear Maharishi Gandharva Veda music, we hear the natural patterns and cycles of evolution that govern life and maintain its progress. Since our body and mind are governed by the same patterns and cycles in Nature, when we hear Maharishi Gandharva Veda music we resonate with those patterns, and immediately begin to function more in tune with Nature's infinite intelligence.
Exploratory research indicates that the effects of listening to Maharishi Gandharva Veda music include an increase in brainwave coherence, more integrated behaviour, and the tendency for mental activity to settle down and to experience finer states of awareness.
According to His Majesty Maharaja Nader Raam’s discovery of Veda and Vedic Literature in human physiology, Gandharva Veda represents the integrating and harmonizing qualities of consciousness. Gandharva Veda is the harmonizing quality in our own physiology. It is found in all the rhythms and cycles of the body: in the hormonal secretions, metabolism, cardiac rhythms, and circadian rhythms. The primary cycle is that of the heart.
Maharishi has said: ‘Gandharva music is universal. It is at home with every land, with every man, with every society. It is the language of bliss, the science and art of bliss, the song of Nature.
‘Gandharva Veda creates world peace in the same way as Transcendental Meditation, which integrates mind and body, consciousness and matter.
‘When this knowledge is introduced into schools, colleges, and universities, all the students will just be floating in harmony.
‘It is a very precious science and art of creating harmony within oneself, one’s family, one’s city, one’s country and the whole world.’
For more information on Maharishi Gandharva Veda, go to: http://maharishi-programmes.globalgoodnews.com/
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