Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education enables any school to fulfil their responsibility to develop the full creative potential of every student, thereby making him a master of his life.
by Global Good News staff writer
12 March 2007
'Developing the full creative potential of consciousness makes the student a master of his life; he spontaneously commands situations and circumstances. His behaviour is always nourishing to himself and everyone around him. He has the natural ability to fulfil his own interests without jeopardizing the interests of others. Such an ideal, enlightened individual is the result of ideal education—Consciousness-Based education.'
—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Our schools are entrusted with the responsibility to develop the most important natural resource in the world—the intelligence and creativity of the youth. The Consciousness-Based Education programme, founded by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, enables any school to fulfil this responsibility by systematically developing the innate creativity and intelligence of students, so that irrespective of their educational or socio-economic background they can experience increasing success and fulfilment every day.
Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education offers study of the standard subjects in the light of the knowledge of the full potential of human consciousness. Consciousness is the most fundamental field of everyone’s life. It is the source of all creativity and intelligence within us, and within the whole universe. At Consciousness-Based schools, students awaken the field of pure creative intelligence within their own consciousness. Through this approach, students become more alert and intelligent, less stressed, and more receptive. With increasing ease and enjoyment, they absorb and apply the knowledge they are gaining.
The technology used is Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique, and its advanced practice, the TM-Sidhi programme, including Yogic Flying. More than 600 scientific research studies, conducted at over 250 research universities and research institutes in 33 countries, document the profound benefits of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programmes for all areas of life.
The Transcendental Meditation Technique is a simple, natural, effortless procedure, which enables the student’s mind to settle down and experience the simplest and most powerful state of human awareness, Transcendental Consciousness.
The experience of Transcendental Consciousness, as verified by scientific research, enlivens total brain functioning and dissolves stress, developing the student’s creative potential. Findings relevant to education include greater use of latent reserves of the brain; improved academic achievement; increased creativity; increased fluid intelligence (IQ); improved moral reasoning; reduced stress and anxiety; decreased alcohol and drug use; increased self-esteem; improved general health; increased tolerance and appreciation; increased field independence (less easily influenced by others).
The TM-Sidhi programme, including Yogic Flying, is an advanced practice that cultures the student’s ability to think and act from Transcendental Consciousness. As a result of regular practice of the TM-Sidhi programme, students find they are increasingly able to fulfil their desires without strain. Scientific research has repeatedly found that when this programme is practised in sufficiently large groups, the entire community and society benefits as well. Positive economic and social trends increase, while negative trends decrease, creating an effect of integration in the whole nation that is so powerful that it dispels destructive influences coming from within or outside the country.
Developing consciousness brings success. Traditionally, education has attended primarily to what students study—the objective aspect of knowledge—without systematically developing the subjective basis of knowledge, the student’s consciousness. Yet it is the quality of the students’ consciousness, or awareness, that determines their degree of intelligence, creativity, confidence, inner calm, and motivation—all fundamental to education. Students in Maharishi Consciousness-Based schools consistently perform at the top level of state examinations and national tests.
This is a natural result with students whose intelligence, creativity, comprehension, and calm are increasing. Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education offers an approach to education that has proven to be uniquely effective in developing the intellectual abilities, academic performance, social behaviour, and inner happiness of the students, while simultaneously promoting the well being of society as well.
To learn more about Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education or to start a Consciousness-Based school in your city, please visit: http://www.CBEprograms.org
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