Stately marble buildings are planned for the university in the Brahmasthan - geographic centre - of the United States, a natural seat of power and a unifying point for the whole country

The establishment of Maharishi Central University has been inspired by Dr John Hagelin, renowned quantum physicist, and Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy of Maharishi University of Management, USA
Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace
4 March 2007
Maharishi Central University is a new, flagship educational institution which is at the forefront of education in the entire world. It was founded to train a new generation of leadership through a revolutionary, state-of-the-art curriculum known to produce vastly superior educational results.
The curriculum of Maharishi Central University is the most advanced and sophisticated curriculum in the world. It combines cutting-edge principles of modern science with powerful, proven educational technologies that promote optimal learning, balanced brain development, and higher states of consciousness. The curriculum achieves the total development of the human brain—enlightenment—and delivers total knowledge to every student—in sharp contrast with conventional universities, which promise only all knowledge on a single campus.
Highlights of the University:
- State-of-the-art training for a new generation of leaders
- Education for Enlightenment: revolutionary Total Knowledge based curriculum promotes optimal learning, balanced brain development, and higher states of consciousness
- Cutting-edge knowledge and training in every field of learning: Health, Education, Economics, Law, Science and Technology, Architecture and Engineering, Communications, Administration, Defense, Agriculture, Music and the Arts, Religion and Culture, and Political Science.
- Grand exhibitions for accelerated learning: State-of-the-art, electronic display technologies provide enjoyable, interactive learning
- Ideal quality of life and a vibrant campus community comprised of top students from America and around the world
- Majestic marble campus, built in accordance with ancient Vedic principles, adorned with rivers, lakes and fountains located on lush farmland at the exact geographic center of America
- Daily Global “Parliaments of Peace,” featuring leading representatives from countries throughout the world
Block system promotes ease and thoroughness of learning
- Students and faculty practice Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation program and advanced techniques to promote health, happiness, total brain development, and superior academic performance
- A lighthouse of peace and invincibility for the world: 10,000 peace-creating students practicing Transcendental Meditation and advanced techniques as a group have been scientifically shown to produce a powerful influence of positivity, harmony, and peace on a global scale.
At Maharishi Central University, every student gains the most advanced scientific knowledge of the Unified Field through the mathematical approach of modern physics. Every student thereby becomes thoroughly established in the foundation of knowledge—gaining Total Knowledge in seed form. Without such knowledge, the entire field of education is essentially baseless.
Equally important, students gain direct experience of the Unified Field through their daily practice of the Transcendental Meditation program and advanced techniques.
Through this integrated approach to knowledge, which combines intellectual understanding of the Unified Field through modern science with direct experience of the Unified Field through Vedic science, students at Central University gain complete mastery of the Unified Field—mastery of Total Knowledge.
For more information on Maharishi Central University, go to: http://www.maharishicentraluniversity.org/
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