Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and President of the leading educational institutions—Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, USA
by Global Good News staff writer
6 March 2007
Reflecting on the celebration of the achievements of Dr Bevan Morris, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said that Total Natural Law is lively in the deep reality of self-referral silence, which is Brahm, the Totality, and intelligence, which is dynamic, but connected with silence, and that is the reality of the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace. Silence radiating silence, this is the comprehension of the Prime Minister, Dr Bevan Morris.
Maharishi said it is a beautiful set-up of Nature’s functioning, where everything we think immediately germinates. ‘A thought comes, and from outside we whisper to the Prime Minister, and he is so intimately in tune with the inner silence, unbounded, so completely absorbed, one with the silence,’ Maharishi said.
‘We see in this the functioning of the Unified Field,’ said Maharishi, ‘[The Prime Minister's] consciousness is all the time in and all the time out, in and out. It is not in and out alternately, but it is in and it is out. It is in and it is out.
‘Again and again I am reminded of how miraculous is the functioning of the Total Natural Law,’ continued Maharishi, ‘to administer the infinite diversity of creation—first to create that and then to maintain that, and then to evolve that into a state where Unity is always a reality in the whole field of diversity—this is the administration of Raja Raam,’ —the Global Country of World Peace.
The whole history of the Veda sings the song of this administration—miraculously perfect, silence functioning. And ‘when silence is functioning,’ Maharishi said, ‘when silence is administering, then the administration is a continuum—a continuous, all-through Unified Field, through all little bits of diversity, all unified, all unified, all unified.
‘It’s a global celebration today.’ Maharishi continued. ‘Total Natural Law is rejoicing, is expressing itself as a human voice to relate the reality of its transcendental Being.
'The Prime Minister will see that in absolutely the most natural way, every country is administered from the level of that perfection which belongs to the administration of the Constitution of the Universe, the totality of Natural Law,' said Maharishi.
'And now the Prime Minister is there in Kansas, USA, to see that the Central University is built in a manner that has everything necessary for training a very high level of leadership in the field of administration,' Maharishi said.
‘Every day I hear from the Prime Minister all about the construction,’ said Maharishi. ‘No aspect is left out. In 50 colleges first-class men of every generation will gain Total Knowledge.’
‘The curriculum of this new university, Dr John Hagelin has so beautifully put up the Unified Field as one subject, which will open all fields of all subjects for the students... so that every aspect of life in the world in every generation will be on an ideal pattern of affluence, harmony, positivity, freedom, and invincibility.
'And I congratulate the American Invincibility group,' said Maharishi. ‘They are flying every day, and are deeply one-pointed in making a connection with the transcendental field of consciousness.... It is their influence nurtured day by day by the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace that is raising world consciousness.’
For more information on Invincible America: invincibleamerica.org
For more information on Maharishi Central University, go to: http://www.maharishicentraluniversity.org/
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