Derek Thatcher, an eighth grade student, won the 2007 Grand Prize Award for this photo entitled 'Face in Leaves'.

Jhana Valentine, an eighth grade student, won the Place Award for this photograph called 'Reflection'.
by Global Good News staff writer
1 March 2007
Students at Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment were honoured with six international awards this year in the 2007 Photo Imaging Education Association (PIEA) International Photography Competition. The PIEA is a worldwide organization and a division of the PMAI (Photo Marketing Association International) that helps photography teachers to educate and to exhibit student work.
The competition has become one of the largest photography competitions in the world. This year there has been another record set for entries. The judges gave awards to 122 images from 99 entrants, out of a total of 6,493 images entered by 1,504 entrants from 121 schools in 9 countries!
Students and teacher winners come from middle schools, high schools, colleges, and universities in Australia, Canada, China, England, Guatemala, Honduras, India, South Africa, and the United States.
Award winners and exhibitors share in the over US $111,000 in valuable prizes, sponsored by 96 PMA member companies and organizations from 4 countries. Prizes include digital cameras, film cameras, memory cards, printers, tripods, scholarships, printing paper, film, and more.
Entrants compete in nine categories by age group. Each category awards Grand, First, Second, Third, Honourable Mention, and Exhibitor Awards. The 2007 award winners for the Maharishi School are as follows:
Among the 1793 images entered in grades 10-12 category, there were four winners from Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment Upper School. From grade 10, Tye Huggins won the Exhibitor Award for his colour photograph entitled ‘Sari’; and Mollie Cutler from grade 10, won the Exhibitor Award for her colour photograph entitled ‘Shadow board’.
Among the 205 images entered in the category for grades 9 and under, there were four winners from Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment. Derek Thatcher, grade eight, won the Grand Prize Award for his colour photograph entitled ‘Face in Leaves’. Jhana Valentine, also grade eight, won the Place Award for colour photograph called ‘Reflection’; Tahra Wilkins, grade 8, won honourable mention for colour photograph entitled ‘Box Car’; and Jay Steward, grade 9, won honourable mention for colour photograph entitled ‘Face in Stream.’
All 2007 winning images are posted online at http://www.pieapma.org/gallery/2007/Grades_ 9_and_Under_SI/. Following the premier exhibition of the 122 winning images at the Photo Marketing Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, 8-11 March 2007, two traveling exhibitions will tour venues in Australia, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the USA from 2007-2009. This is the only student photo exhibition that travels for 3 years internationally.
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