Vancouver Institute of Business Technology and Maharishi University of Management signing ceremony

Dr Clarence Cormier, former Minister of Education for New Brunswick and current Minister of Education in the Canada Peace Government

Dr Yunxiang Zhu

Mr George Wang
by Global Good News staff writer
March 29 2007
The principal of Canada's Vancouver Institute of Business and Technology, Mr George Wang, signed an historic Collaboration Agreement with Maharishi University of Management (M.U.M.) in Fairfield, Iowa, USA in January, formalizing the intent to establish a Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education curriculum at the Institute. It will be the first educational facility in Canada to take this initial step toward becoming an Invincibility School.
The Vancouver Institute recruits students from the city's Chinese-speaking residents, who currently comprise 20% of Vancouver's population of two million. The majority of the students are from the People's Republic of China.
Dr Craig Pearson, Vice-President of M.U.M., who signed the agreement on behalf of the university, said, 'This is not just an agreement between two educational institutions, it is a global agreement. It is the coming together of "the three as one"—China, Canada, and the US—in a united effort to bring fulfilment to the ideals of education for all students, and to bring invincibility to these nations, and lasting peace to the entire world.'
The agreement paves the way for the Institute to incorporate Consciousness-Based Education, with instruction in Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme into its curriculum, and to offer M.U.M. Bachelor of Arts and Masters in Business Administration degrees, while continuing to assist students in perfecting their English language skills. An exchange programme will enable students to pursue their studies at each other's campuses.
By their group practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme, the 250 students expected to be enrolled at the Vancouver Institute by Fall 2007, will automatically become a new group of Yogic Flyers for Canada's Invincibility Programme.
Principal Wang was so inspired by the Collaboration Agreement that he has pledged his support for establishing an international Invincibility High School in Vancouver, and moreover, to approach wealthy Chinese immigrants in Canada to help build Invincibility Schools in the rural areas of China.
A former dean of a large university in Northern China, and a student of Taoist philosophy for 20 years, Mr Wang was one of 12 educators selected by the government of China to study western academic methods in the US, later relocating to Canada. Sadly, he found the education systems both in the East and the West inadequate to unfold the full creative intelligence of students.
Mr Wang was inspired by a presentation on Maharishi Consciousness-Based Education in Canada given by the Honorable Dr Clarence Cormier, former Minister of Education for New Brunswick and current Minister of Education in the Canada Peace Government; Dr Guy-Paul Gagne, Minister of Health of the Canada Peace Government; and Dr Ashley Deans, Director of the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment in Fairfield. After this lecture he decided to visit the M.U.M. campus in January with the intention of setting up the full M.U.M. business curriculum at the Vancouver Institute.
Upon his arrival, Mr Wang was greeted by Dr Yunxiang Zhu, who has been instrumental in introducing Consciousness-Based Education in China. Shortly after their mutually gratifying meeting, Mr Wang was instructed in the Transcendental Meditation Technique.
Based on his personal practice and experience of Transcendental Meditation and on his observations of the education system at M.U.M., Principal Wang believes that Maharishi's knowledge provides the missing element in the modern interpretation of Taoist philosophy and in modern education today.
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