by Dr Peter Warburton—Raja of England for the Global Country of World Peace
3 Aug 2007
Addressing educators, Dr Peter Warburton, Raja of England for the Global Country of World Peace gave the following explanation and definition of Maharishi Vedic University:
Maharishi Vedic University is a completely unique university in today's world. That uniqueness is embodied in the very name of the university, as defined in this
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the founder of the university.
The word 'university' means 'versified'—diversified— knowledge in a unified state: uni-versity. It means Total Knowledge in one encapsulated form; and that is the Veda; and that is embodied in the first syllable of Veda, 'A'.*
If unified knowledge is not available at a university, then the diversified knowledge has no foundation; it has no basis. So this university really fulfils the term 'university' by offering the unified basis of all the diversified knowledge offered by the different faculties.
The Vedic University offers holistic knowledge derived from the Veda. In each faculty Total Knowledge is offered, and Total Knowledge is located in Veda, as embodied in its first syllable, 'A'.
What is Veda?
Veda is the field of Total Knowledge. It is located in the written text of Veda, but there is also an ancient oral tradition, through which the Veda has been preserved. It has been passed on through countless generations and, being verbal, it has never become distorted. It has been maintained in its absolute purity as the field of Total Knowledge. It is an oral tradition that speaks the value of Totality, the value of Atma, the value of the Self, the field of Total Knowledge, which is within us, and from which everything emerges.
'A' is the total sound of Atma; and from 'A' the total Veda flows. It is the sound of the total impulse of creation, the sound of Total Natural Law.
When we say that the Vedic University offers Total Knowledge, this includes both the scientific, intellectually satisfying, value of Total Knowledge which is systematic, provable, and progressing in a very orderly way, and also the technological value, the experiential aspect, which puts Total Knowledge into practice [the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme].
The Vedic University offers Total Knowledge on the basis of the science and technology of Total Natural Law, the Veda.
A very significant name
Thus, 'Maharishi Vedic University' is a very significant name. It has the name of the founder of the university; it has the name of Veda, the field of Total Knowledge; and it has the word 'university' which signifies holistic knowledge—all diversified knowledge on the basis of unified knowledge.
This is the University that will produce graduates who can know anything, achieve anything, and be anything in life. They will not just enjoy fulfilment themselves, but will simultaneously participate in creating fulfilment, peace, prosperity, and invincibility—everything good for everyone in every nation.
* Maharishi has defined 'A' in this way:
'A' is the first syllable of Rk Veda. Rk Veda starts AK NI MI LE PU RO HI TAM....... 'A' is the first sound. 'A' is defined in the Vedic Language, in the Vedic Literature, as total speech, A-karo vai sarva vak--'A' only is total speech. Total speech of whom? Total speech of Totality, Atma [the Self].’
So 'A' is the expression of transcendental, self-referral consciousness. It is the expression of infinite silence and infinite dynamism within the infinite ocean of consciousness. That is why Maharishi says that 'A' is the syllable of Total Knowledge, the Veda. Maharishi has also revealed that because 'A' is the first sound of the Veda, it contains the blueprint of the entire universe, as everything emerges from there as the first sprouting of a seed.
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