Dr Susie Dillbeck, President of the International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education for Mothers in Every Generation.
by Global Good News staff writer
23 August 2007
Dr Susie Dillbeck, President of the International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education for Mothers in Every Generation, presents here a beautiful and comprehensive introduction to Consciousness-Based Education, and introduces eminent lady educators from around the world reporting on the rapid progress in implementing this ideal educational system for ladies in their countries. These reports from around the world will be posted in upcoming articles on Excellence in Action.
Dr Susan Dillbeck presents an introduction in the following transcript of her address during the Global celebration of Consciousness-Based Education for Mothers in Every Generation:
Today we celebrate the rise of Total Knowledge in collective consciousness—the community, the nation, and the world—the spread of silence, of peace, which brings the balancing influence of total Natural Law, to support all dynamic progress.
This transformation is occurring, we know, through Maharishi's supreme technologies of invincibility and peace, the group practice of Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme with Yogic Flying.
Now, how do we ensure that this bountiful gift of lively Natural Law will continue to bless future generations? The answer is, to establish Consciousness-Based Schools and colleges and universities in every country. Groups of student yogic flyers experiencing waves of bliss as they enliven collective silence will ensure that the current positive trends will continue, and thrive, and stabilize for a heavenly life on earth.
So, with this theme I will briefly introduce our projects with the university curriculum and the Consciousness-Based Schools, and some key scientific research findings. First the university curriculum, which is the focus of Dr Marcia Murphy and other members of the Foundation:
The BA students at Maharishi Vedic University for the Mothers of Society study 12 disciplines, each in light of Total Knowledge, in light of their own Self, Atma. Each discipline, education, health, agriculture, architecture, and so on, each has a section devoted to the knowledge of that field that is most useful for mothers in caring and nourishing their families. This is a beautiful aspect of the curriculum.
Another extraordinary feature is the way these 12 disciplines are studied. Maharishi has brought out a beautiful central principle for teaching the Vedic Literature. ‘Through analysis and synthesis, Total Knowledge is enlivened in one single awareness.’ — Anvaya vyatirekabhyam nishprapancham prapanchyate.
For each discipline the teacher progresses from the more familiar, concrete, applied diverse areas of the field, to increasingly broad abstract concepts and broader principles synthesizing, synthesizing, into bigger wholes. And converging on to the purely abstract basis of the discipline, the Unified Field of Natural Law—the student's own Self.
Then the students study the details of the Unified Field, and then they reverse the direction of study. They emerge from the abstract principles, to more concrete, more and more diversity, more applied topics, analyzing, analyzing, covering the same topics as earlier, but from a different angle with great knowledge of the Self. What a marvellous way to learn!
This teaching approach, together with the student's practice of the technologies of consciousness, enlivens increasing silence and synthesis, and increasing dynamism of analysis together in one single awareness; accelerating the growth of the students to enlightenment, and culminating in Brahmavidya, Unity Consciousness, complete unification of silence and dynamism in one awareness that encompasses the universe in its reality—all values of knower, all values of known, all values of knowing.
Maharishi has set this beautiful curriculum to bring Total Knowledge to every student, which will raise the national consciousness of every country to a high level of integration, leading to invincibility for the nation.
Now, I would like to mention the Consciousness-Based Schools, which are coming up everywhere. The International Foundation of Consciousness-Based Education for Mothers in every Generation has a specific purpose to serve these schools, and serve each country, by providing all the materials required to establish and perpetuate Consciousness-Based Education.
These include the guidelines for starting, the policies, all the curriculum, faculty development programmes, administration manuals, and accreditation procedures. These materials are being received and distributed by the national education director, in the nation office of Consciousness-Based Education in each country.
Most recently, the school curriculum committees lead by Laura Ticciati has created a beautiful detailed course on Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence Course for middle and secondary schools, with its own faculty development programme. This course is currently being taught to 4,000 students in 24 schools, in 10 countries of Latin America.
It is soon to be taught in two more large countries. The inspiration and guidance for establishing Consciousness-Based Schools worldwide is provided by the honoured Raj Rajeshwaris, who have been specially trained to administer from the level of their self-referral consciousness. Again, the objective is to enable every country easily to establish its own Consciousness-Based Schools, invincibility schools, to maintain an integrated national consciousness for enjoying invincibility.
Finally, our lists of research findings indicating the unique effectiveness of Consciousness-Based Education: More than 600 scientific research studies conducted at over 250 universities, research institutes in 33 countries, verify the wide-ranging, profound benefits of Consciousness-Based Education for both the individual and society. These include, very significantly, the unique effect of the experience of Transcendental Consciousness on activating total brain functioning.
Findings indicating the use of the brain include increased blood-flow to the brain, increased wakefulness reflected in the EEG, or electro-encephalographic measurement, increased orderliness of brain functioning, and increased use of the latent reserves of the brain. As a result of using more of their brain potential, students show increased intelligence, increased creativity, improved memory, and improved academic performance again and again.
The experience of Transcendental Consciousness is of the field of unity, which underlies everyone and everything, and as a result of this repeated experience students show increased tolerance, greater appreciation of their parents, and mothers, greater moral acuity, and increased altruism, which is unselfish concern for the welfare of others, and for the welfare of society.
It has been found that sufficiently large groups of Yogic Flyers assembled at Maharishi University of Management repeatedly reduce negative trends in society, such as crime and violence, and improved economic trends, and quality of life for the country. This is the research in view of the hundreds of studies and the experience of everyone who visits Consciousness-Based Schools anywhere in the world, is that they have never seen such happy, positive, harmonious, alert, and balanced young people.
The root meaning of education is ‘to lead out’. Today, through the grace of Guru Dev, and the tradition of Vedic Masters, represented in this scientific age by Maharishi, we finally know where to lead the students ‘out to’. And how wonderful: we lead them out to their own Self—their unbounded, magnificent Self, in its infinite capacity, experienced as Totality, in Unity Consciousness.
All glory to Guru Dev, Brahmananda Saraswati Vijayante Taram. Jai Guru Dev*
* Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas
Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service
Note: Excellence in Action will be posting soon the presentations made during the Global Celebration of Consciousness-Based Education for Mothers in Every Generation by leaders of Consciousness-Based Education from the following countries: India, Thailand, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Chile, and the Netherlands.