Professor Carmen Montellano, Director of Consciousness-Based Education in Chile

Professor Carmen Montellano (centre), with Ms Astrid Caceres (left), and Ms Bruna Forte (right), wife of the Rafale de la Puente, National Leader of Chile; all are Teachers of Transcendental Meditation in Chile
by Global Good News staff writer
30 August, 2007
Professor Carmen Montellano, Director of Consciousness-Based Education in Chile, reported on the most recent developments in her nation, during the commencement ceremonies of Maharishi University of Enlightenment. Her presentation was part of the 'Global Celebration of Consciousness-Based Education for Mothers in Every Generation'.
Following is the full text of Professor Montellano's address:
My name is Professor Carmen Montellano. I am a Professor of Industrial Design at one of the leading state technical universities in Chile, and the Director of Consciousness-Based Education for ladies in our country.
Last year, with the intention of creating a group of 1,000 Yogic Flyers in Chile, I met with the Rector of our university, which educates 25,000 students on three campuses, with four secondary schools as well. I presented the scientific research on the benefits and proposed introducing the Consciousness-Based Education programme.
After a short pilot programme, in which the first 400 students and faculty were instructed in Transcendental Meditation, the Rector agreed to hire a team of Teachers of Transcendental Meditation as regular paid faculty of the university, with responsibility for carrying out the programme.
These six teachers are now engaged in teaching Transcendental Meditation, throughout the three campuses of the university. The first group of students is now preparing to start the advanced TM-Sidhi Programme. Our Transcendental Meditation Teachers have also just begun to introduce the programme in the secondary schools owned by the university, with all members of the faculty learning first.
Our students love their meditation, and implementing this programme has been the great fulfilment of my 40-year career as a university professor. Once the group of 1,000 Yogic Flyers is well established, I intend to organize our own Vedic University for ladies in Chile.
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