By enlivening the holistic level of Natural Law through attention in the silent state of pure consciousness within, one naturally begins to enjoy thought and action aligned with total Natural Law.
by Global Good News staff writer
14 August, 2007
Today there is increasing understanding and acceptance of the role of one’s mind and emotions on health. Maharishi’s revival of the ancient health system of Ayurveda, known as Maharishi Ayur Veda, recognizes that emotional and mental experiences can contribute to creating either an imbalanced or balanced, healthy physiology. (See Excellence in Action article, August 2007: Seeing successfully for happiness and health.)
One of the ways that Maharishi Ayur Veda handles the effect of the mind on health is through ‘behavioural rasayanas.’ In their book, Contemporary Ayur Veda, Drs Clark and Sharma describe a rasayana as a ‘substance used to strengthen immunity’. Behavioural rasayanas are prescribed positive behaviours, recorded in the ancient Ayurvedic texts, where they are recognized to promote good health.
To understand how behavioural rasayanas work, Drs Clark and Sharma look at the body’s biochemical reaction to negative emotions like anger, hate, or fear. Drs Clark and Sharma compare the neurochemicals produced by these negative emotions to those health-promoting chemicals released in response to positive emotions like love, laughter, and appreciation. In light of the health-promoting effects of positive emotions, the ‘behavioural rasayanas’ make sense. Clark and Sharma explain these behaviours:
‘The “behavioural rasayanas” deal with mind’s influence on the body in a systematic way: they prescribe behaviours that elicit health-promoting biochemical effects. These are valuable both for prevention and as adjuncts to treatments. They include such traditional virtues as moderation and respect for teachers and elders, and such emotions as love and compassion. They exclude such emotions or moods as anger, negativity, and violence, which are said to damage health.’
Reading these ‘behavioural rasayanas’ calls to mind the principles upheld by all the great religious traditions of the world. The following are the specific behavioural rasayanas mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts, including Charaka Samhita, and listed by Drs Clark and Sharma:
‘Behaviours and attitudes to be maximized:
• Love
• Compassion
• Speech that uplifts people
• Cleanliness
• Charity and regular donation
• Religious observance
• Respect towards teachers and elders
• Being positive
• Moderation and self-control
• Simplicity
To be avoided:
• Anger
• Violence
• Harsh or hurtful speech
• Conceit
• Speaking ill of others behind their backs
• Egotism
• Dishonesty
• Coveting another’s spouse or wealth’
Drs Clark and Sharma also mention another behavioural rasayana from Charaka, ‘ “knowing the measure of time and place with propriety”. This refers, among other things, to what we now call chronobiology, the study of daily and annual physiological cycles.’ (See Excellence in Action August, 2007 article: Daily and Seasonal Routines to Promote Good Health.)
For some people, the above behavioural rasayanas will seem simple and easy. For others, they may seem beyond one’s ability. Fortunately, Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique provides a natural way to release stress and increase positivity. Through the practice of Transcendental Meditation, one finds that one’s behaviour naturally reflects the highest ideals of every cultural tradition.
Maharishi has explained this natural ability to act in an increasingly positive way in terms of acting in accord with Natural Law. During the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, one turns within and experiences the silent state of pure consciousness, which is the home of all the Laws of Nature, the foundation of the human mind and all existence. By enlivening this holistic level of Natural Law through attention, one naturally begins to enjoy thought and action aligned with total Natural Law. This results in more positive, life-supporting behaviour, naturally without strain. The behavioural rasayanas become one’s natural behaviour, promoting healthy neurochemicals and resulting in good health.
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