The role of the graduates of Maharishi University of Enlightenment is to nourish the world with bliss from the level of self-referral consciousness, and thereby help eradicate suffering and bring Heaven on Earth.
by Global Good News staff writer
20 August 2007
On July 19, 2007, the new graduates of Maharishi University of Enlightenment enjoyed commencement ceremonies at Maharishi Vedic City, Fairfield Iowa. Maharishi University of Enlightenment, a university for ladies, is dedicated developing higher states of consciousness in its students, along with providing knowledge of traditional disciplines.
At Maharishi University of Enlightenment, students realize the Vedic instruction, ‘Know that by which everything is known.’ This verse from the Upanishads, a branch of the Vedic Literature, instructs the student to know Atma, the Self, which is the basis of all knowledge.
Students of Maharishi University of Enlightenment enjoy the regular practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program, including Yogic Flying, in order to fathom the infinite, unbounded reservoir of Creative Intelligence and bliss, the Self, within.
Maharishi University of Enlightenment supplements students’ direct experience of the Self with knowledge of the traditional disciplines of education, as well as knowledge of Maharishi’s Vedic Science.
Through their in-depth study of Maharishi’s Vedic Science, students grow to appreciate all fields of knowledge and all aspects of the universe as aspects of the one, undivided field of Atma. They realize the universe as a uni-verse—unity of diversity—everything a wave in the unbounded ocean of Cosmic Intelligence, the Unified Field of Consciousness.
Demonstrating their growing knowledge of the Self, at the commencement ceremony, each graduate read a summary of her experiences during the daily practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program, including Yogic Flying. In these descriptions the students conveyed exceptional experiences of self-referral consciousness, also known as Transcendental Consciousness.
They described this experience of inner wakefulness, where consciousness is found awake in itself, without any object of perception other than its own Self. Students also described waves of bliss, enlivened by knowing the Self, waves of inner fulfilment permeating the entire physiology and radiating outward into the environment as love and happiness. The graduating students also described experiences during the practice of Yogic Flying, when consciousness functions within itself to produce the effect of the body lifting up by mere intention.
Invincibility for the student
These experiences of growing higher states of consciousness reflect the growth of inner and outer invincibility. Invincibility refers to the quality of consciousness, which cannot be disturbed by outside influences, an inner stability and harmony, based on knowing one’s Self, the Self of all beings.
Brainwave research has shown that experience of the Self is correlated with coherent, orderly functioning of the brain, unlike the random brain functioning during normal waking state of consciousness. The orderliness of brainwaves and the experience of invincibility, occurring during the practice of Transcendental Meditation, have been compared to the Meissner Effect in Physics.
In the Meissner Effect, the orderly alignment of electrons in a superconductor creates the phenomenon of invincibility. The orderly, tiny electrons waves join together and function as one huge wave, creating one macroscopic wave that repels an outside magnetic field.
Invincibility is associated with the experience of inner bliss because when one enjoys that experience of inner happiness, nothing from the outside can overshadow one’s fulfilment. The full value of invincibility is reached when the student experiences “I am Totality, “ expressed in the Vedic Literature as “aham brahmasmi.” In this experience of complete Unity Consciousness, nothing remains outside one’s Self. This is the state of enlightenment, from which the University gets its name. In its name, the university also gives tribute to its founder, His Holiness, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Maharishi’s Vedic Science, the foremost scientist of consciousness.
The nourishing role of students and graduates
During the graduation celebration, a Founding Trustee of the Maharishi University of Enlightenment and Raj Rajeshwari, expressed appreciation to Maharishi and his teacher, Guru Dev, Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, for providing the key to unlock the infinite potential within.
Speaking to the graduates, the trustee said:
'Now you are so comfortable in your turn key operation home—here in the absolute wakefulness of intelligence, where the total potential of Natural Law is in its ground state, is the reality of the all-nourishing quality of total Natural Law. In a word, that quality is bliss—bliss unbounded—and here, from the unified basis of all existence, that bliss radiates its influence far and wide, and you fulfil your nature, your natural and genuine tendency that you share with about half of the world's population—your motherly nature to play a completely nourishing role through your every breath, through your every word, action, and perception.
'It is the key that is so important, the key that has unlocked the door to the totality of Natural Law fully awake in our own transcendental self-referral consciousness, the key that has unlocked the floodgates of all-nourishing bliss.
‘But without the giver of the key, there would be no key for us. We join together on this auspicious day of your graduation, as always, to give infinite thanks to the eternal custodians and bestowers of the key: to the Holy Tradition of Vedic Masters, to Guru Dev, and to His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. All Glory To Guru Dev, Jai Guru Dev.'
Symbolic of the growing experience of higher states of consciousness, the graduates of Maharishi University of Enlightenment received a gold pin with the word, 'invincibility' inscribed on it.
The role of the students and graduates of Maharishi University of Enlightenment is to enliven the total potential of Natural Law in world consciousness through their practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme. The effect of their collective practice is to nourish the world with bliss consciousness and help bring an end to suffering and problems, resulting in the creation of Heaven on Earth.
Through the establishment of Maharishi Universities of Enlightenment throughout the world, ladies throughout the world will rise to enjoy the experience of Unity Consciousness and will enjoy their nourishing role of enlivening bliss for the world.
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