The result of modern education has been students growing up with partial use of their total brain.

Vedic Pandits from India are experts in Yogic Flying and in the recitation of the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda, the eternal sounds of the field of Total Natural Law. They have gathered—as part of the Invincible America Assembly—to create a group large enough to crown America with invincibility.
by Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and President of Maharishi University of Management
24 August 2007
Speaking from the Global Financial Capital of New York at 70 Broad Street, in New York City, Dr Bevan Morris gave the following address during the Global Conference on Unified Field-Based Education:
The world has been floundering for thousands of years, because of the weakness of education. Education till now has been fragmented in its approach. It offered only knowledge of isolated Laws of Nature, and never the totality of all knowledge. The result of such an approach has been, that only isolated parts of the human brain have been stimulated by education according to whichever subject is studied. Some particular part of the brain gets stimulated, but never the total brain.
The result has been, that as students grow up through their education, they are left with great areas of their brain, which are non-functional. Functional holes in the brain. The result of having functional holes in the brain is that wrong behaviours emerge, which, in turn, create more troubles and problems for the brain, for the whole physiology, and for the whole of life. So the result of modern education has been students growing up with partial use of their total brain. And with all kinds of problems that have their root in this partial functioning of their precious human brain.
The only thing that gives the experience of total brain functioning, is the experience of the field of Total Knowledge. And where is Total Knowledge available? It's not in huge libraries—millions of books that nobody can ever read. Total Knowledge is only available in one place, and that is in the silent self-referral unified state of consciousness, which can be experienced by any student in the world through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique.
Transcendental Meditation, a simple technique, a natural technique, originated from the Vedic tradition of Total Knowledge, of India, the land of the Veda. This simple technique allows the mind of any student to settle down to more and more silent levels of operation, until the very finest level of the thinking process is experienced, and then the student transcends, or goes beyond that finest impulse of thought, and comes to the completely settled, completely pure, completely transcendental state of their own consciousness.
This is the experience of their own Self. So by adding this practice to the routine of academic study in all the educational institutions of the world, students fulfil the ancient dictum of the Oracle of Delphi 'Know thyself'. This is Consciousness-Based Education.
Consciousness-Based Education adds into the routine of daily study of the students the experience of their own Self, of their own self-referral, silent, pure consciousness. They experience this state as a state of inner bliss. They experience there the treasure house of all the intelligence and energy, which is responsible for everything that there is in the human physiology, in the earth, in the solar system, and in the galactic universe.
Because when they experience that silent state of their own consciousness, they are actually directly experiencing the Unified Field of Natural Law: that self-same Unified Field that has been discovered by quantum physicists in our generation.
Dr John Hagelin, the greatest scientist has fulfilled the dream of Einstein for a completely Unified Field Theory that is also practical, and applied in human life through education. So in Consciousness-Based Education, before the classes start in the different subjects, the students close their eyes, they begin to practice Transcendental Meditation. Their mind settles down; softer and softer levels of the thinking process, gentler levels to the most silent level of thought, and then transcending that, coming to a pure state of consciousness, unbounded state of their own consciousness, their own individuality is completely unified with the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, the field of Total Knowledge.
If we examine physics, we see that there are the expressed levels of physics, like engineering. Then as physics has gone to more fundamental levels of the Laws of Nature, to the molecular level and atomic level, and even more fundamental to the level of quantum mechanics and the fundamental forces of nature and particles of nature, science has systematically unified the different theories of physics, like 'Grand Unified Theory' and 'Superstring Theory', to the level where now the most complete understanding of the Laws of Nature aspired to by Einstein, has been achieved in the discovery of the Unified Field.
Now this Unified Field is a new discovery for modern physics, but for the Vedic Rishis of India, this reality has been known through the long corridor of time. How did they know about it? They knew about it—for example by the great seer of the Rk Veda, Madhuchchandas—by experiencing their own Self, their own silent consciousness; and they found in what they were experiencing, they discovered in that Unified Field of their own consciousness, that they were experiencing, actually, the Unified Field of the entire universe. They found in their own consciousness the totality of Natural Law, or the Constitution of the Universe, or the Veda, as embodied in the Vedic sounds. It was all there, discovered in their own consciousness, and they discovered in that, how the whole universe was emerging from those Laws of Nature in the Unified Field, and being administered from there.
From the level of consciousness, by practising Transcendental Meditation throughout the long history of the Vedic Tradition of knowledge, they were able to take a dive within their own consciousness and experience their own Self, which is the Unified Field of Natural Law, of the entire galactic creation.
Now every student can have this experience. Many are having this experience, in many institutions throughout the world—this is now happening, and the results are phenomenal. The first phenomenon that comes back is a reversal of this point of how people, so far, have had functional holes in their brain, and consequently, totally limited their creative intelligence, and made so many mistakes in violation of the Laws of Nature causing all kinds of problems and suffering.
By contrast, when students experience the unified state of their own consciousness, the Unified Field, which is the field of Total Knowledge of all the Laws of Nature; in that unifying experience actual scientific research shows that this awakens the total brain functioning. The brain functioning becomes highly coherent: synchronous brain waves over the whole expanse of the brain, as if the whole brain is being integrated into one holistic functioning.
A chart shows the contrast between the partial brain functioning of a normal student, and a phenomenon, demonstrated by Professor Nikolai Nikoleyevitch Lubimov of the Brain Research Institute of the Academy of Medical, of the mobilization of hidden reserves of the brain potential during the practice of Transcendental Meditation. So this addition of the practice of Transcendental Meditation into the daily routine of the students is something that is enormously beneficial for the functioning of their brains.
This phenomenon of total brain functioning is a result of the subjective experience of that silent level of one's own consciousness, that completely peaceful level of one's own consciousness, during Transcendental Meditation. So this is a phenomenon that has to be in every school in the world . . .. This is the phenomenon that we are fortunate to enjoy today. We are at the moment, we are at the cusp, of a complete transition in education in the world today, from partial brain functioning to total brain functioning, from limited consciousness and limited creativity through education to the awakening to the unlimited reality of consciousness and unlimited creative potential that is inherent in every student. . ..
This new system of developing total brain functioning is going to be the standard system of education; not any more what we have now in the world, that is, the British system and the German system of education have become the standard model in the world. And if you want to know what kind of effect that education produces, read the newspaper, watch the TV news. The whole structure of what the world is, is based upon what the people in it are, and what the people in it are, and is based upon what they were educated to be; how much of their potentiality was unfolded by their education, how much of their total brain they are using.
So now the whole world is changing, due to the availability of a system of education that can easily transform the whole functioning of the brain to become holistic. As part of the routine of children, from when they first enter school, have them rise to higher states of consciousness where they live and function, on the level of the Unified Field, on the level of Total Knowledge. Functioning on this level has such enormous benefits: not only the availability of the creative potential and the huge energy of that field and the blissful nature of that field, but also function from that field where all the Laws of Nature have their source, their origin.
So now, every action is in accord with all the Laws of Nature, so every action that the student performs is completely evolutionary, positive, to themselves and to the environment. They do not make mistakes. They do not create the kind of suffering and problems that have been the standard result of education up till now, because of this inadequate, incomplete system of education that has failed to give Total Knowledge to the students, failed to give them the experience of the Unified Field, failed to give them the experience of their own Self.
So living in accord with the Laws of Nature, first of all, one doesn't create misery for oneself, one doesn't create trouble for the government, so the government doesn't have to worry any more that people of the nation are growing up, making horrible errors and committing crimes and making themselves sick. This will not happen any more when students grow up in Consciousness-Based Education using the total potentiality of their own creativity, and living in accord with Natural Law, spontaneously functioning from the level of the Unified Field.
So this is the great joy of this time. Every educator in the world can truly rejoice at this moment, that such an educational system is available for the whole human race. And we would just encourage every educator watching today to take immediate advantage of this, also because of the creation now of the Maharishi Towers of Invincibility in every nation.
Maharishi Towers of Invincibility were inaugurated in 133 countries on July 29th 2007, the greatest day in the Vedic Calendar of India. Guru Purnima day, the full moon of July, when the fullness of the great spiritual masters of the Vedic Tradition is celebrated, and all the Total Knowledge that they have bestowed upon the world, and our generation through Maharishi, and through his spiritual Master Guru Dev, that is celebrated on that day.
And in this year, in the celebration, Maharishi actually organized, with the Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Benjamin Feldmann, the inauguration of Towers of Invincibility in 133 countries around the world. Now these Towers of Invincibility are the most significant buildings that will ever be constructed in each country. It will be twelve stories high, and in the two lower storeys of this Tower of Invincibility will be a Consciousness-Based Education School.
Here, high school students will be practising Transcendental Meditation and its advanced technique called the TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, which is a very powerful technique that produces the most intense brain wave coherence of any practice that has every been studied.
The students there will be practising these techniques before class in the morning and after class in the afternoon, and they will be sufficient in number to create an effect that is visible in the whole national consciousness. The principle is the square root of one per cent of the nation's population practising these powerful techniques together in one place is enough to spontaneously transform the whole national consciousness.
When such groups practice together, the whole quality of national consciousness becomes coherent, harmonious, and it is integrated, and being all these things, it becomes impenetrable to any negative influence from outside the nation, or to any negativity that may arise inside the nation. So the whole country is completely dominated by positivity and harmony. That is a definition of the word ‘invincibility’: one cannot be defeated by negativity any more.
The children of the country are going to accomplish this in these Towers of Invincibility everywhere—in Maharishi Invincibility Schools. And the upper floors, the twelve floors in the middle of these towers, will cover all the 12 basic areas of life, twelve faculties of the Universities, or 12 Ministries of the Global Country of World Peace, every aspect of human existence.
There will be exhibitions showing how this experience of the Unified Field brings fulfilment, not only to education, but to defence, to health, to agriculture, to law, to music, to religion and culture, to every imaginable field of existence. This knowledge produces that fulfilment, because in every field it is a human field, so whatever human beings are, and what they do, is what every one of those fields is. So what we are going to have now is a completely new level of human life; not being lived by rare individuals in the long history of the world, but now it's going to be commonplace that every student grows up enlightened, invincible in their own life, able to spontaneously fulfil all their own desires, through the support of all these Laws of Nature, which they are the friends of, by functioning from the Unified Field.
All of these things are going to make a completely fulfilled world in every channel of human existence, and with this, governments will be seen to become very small and insignificant compared to what they are today: absorbing huge amounts of the wealth of the nation, and still not solving any of the problems, and indeed creating many new problems of their own. What is going to be seen is that the nation is going to enjoy freedom from problems.
Prevention is the word, prevention. Not that the government is there to capture the criminal after he has done some dastardly deed, but to prevent anyone from growing up to be a criminal and committing violence.
With that, there will be a society which is ideal and prevention oriented, and the government will just be able to relax, and they will be able to just have their function to celebrate all the joys and achievements of national life, rather than living on futile, fear-based, punishment-based efforts to keep the society in order as time goes along. So this is the new dawn of Consciousness-Based Education in the world, and with this Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, there will be, in every nation, a sufficient group to create national invincibility.
It cannot be that any one nation is suffering in its sovereignty, being like a beggar to its neighbours for its survival. That cannot be the case now for any nation in the world. Every nation, rich and poor, has to be invincible in its nature; and this is what the children in the schools are going to accomplish through the power of these incredible techniques of consciousness that have come from the Vedic tradition to fulfil education, to create Unified Field-Based Education today.
It was a joy also on that Guru Purnima Day. That a Tower of Invincibility was already inaugurated, on the campus of Maharishi University of Management, and this Tower of Invincibility commemorates the Invincible America Assembly in Maharishi University of Management. In the beautiful full moon light of Guru Purnima the marble of the tower is glowing.
And this Tower of Invincibility will be inscribed to commemorate the members of the Invincible America Assembly, Dr John Hagelin, and Dr Howard Settle. In the middle of the whole tower is a picture of Maharishi with his spiritual Master, Guru Dev. And there is a panel underneath giving the explanation of how Guru Dev had passed down to Maharishi this knowledge of Unified Field-Based Education, which is in use there on the campus of Maharishi University of Management, and in the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment.
I would invite any educator to go and be in the midst of that atmosphere. You will be amazed from the very first moment, at what education can achieve. The Invincible America Assembly is a group of faculty and students and staff, as well as many of the most enlightened people from around America, and other countries too, and also Vedic Pandits from India who are experts in Vedic Flying and in the recitation of the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda, the eternal sounds of the field of Total Natural Law. They have all gathered there to create a group large enough to make America invincible, to crown America with invincibility. And this has almost been achieved, and will certainly be achieved within the next few months, when the number to make America an invincible nation is achieved, just based upon one educational institution in the nation.
That is almost achieved at this point, and that is why Maharishi has inspired this tower to be constructed in just six weeks. It was constructed to commemorate this level of achievement that is present in that campus. In the campus of Maharishi University of Management you will find in the university students and the school students, the most glowing, the most enlightened, the most intelligent and creative students that you could ever wish for. If you had one such student you would be so thrilled to have such a calibre of student. And, as our Iowa Congressman said once, when he was at the graduation as our commencement speaker, after person after person spoke, he turned to me and said ‘Bevan, where do you get these people from?’
And I explained to him that it wasn't that we got them from anywhere; it was what happens when you use Consciousness-Based Education; the students are so respectful and loving of their teachers, so passionate in the field of knowledge, so brilliant in their academic accomplishments. For example in the school, just imagine this: this one school, in Iowa, in the world championships of creativity competition, called Destination Imagination, our students won more prizes, than even the entire state of California. Phenomenal expressions of creativity, year after year. The speech competitions in the state—they feel they should just retire the competition, because year after year our students always win, every year.
In every field of academic success, they are at the top in Iowa, which is in itself first or second in the nation in education. So when we see these phenomenal results, it's not just a matter of thinking theoretically. Of course, the Unified Field, of course the Self should be incorporated into education. Of course students should use their total brain. It makes every good sense. It is absolutely so obvious, plain to everyone, but the scientific research is there for any educator to study. And the experiences there of, not only Maharishi University of Management and the Maharishi School in Iowa USA, and in the Invincible America group, but everywhere in the world where such education is introduced—exactly the same results are enjoyed.
So having seen this education, we know there is something better to be done now. There is something better available to any educators. And we all know that anybody who is intelligent picks up anything that is good, and takes it up and does it, particularly when they are responsible for the children of the world and their education.
So it is inevitable that this is going to spread to every single student on the planet earth, and very soon people will look back and wonder: ‘Why in the world was this not used before? Why did they leave consciousness out of education? Like an ocean with no water in it, it is education with no consciousness in it.’ The future generations will laugh at this present generation having left consciousness out of education, just as we may laugh at some Medieval times, at some tortuous behaviour of hundreds of years ago.
People will laugh that this was left out, but that's only going to be a few years from now. Very soon, every school will do justice to the incredible potentiality that is there in the physiology of every child to experience the Unified Field, to live from this level of nature's own infinite creativity and organizing power, and fulfil all the greatest aspirations that everyone has, for themselves, for their family and for their nation.
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