Mothers in every country will have access to a structure of Total Knowledge, which will allow them to elevate their families and nation to bliss and invincibility.
by Global Good News staff writer
17 December 2007
Students at Maharishi University of Enlightenment participated in the historic First International Congress of the Global Mother Divine Organization on 2 December through 12 December 2007, at Constitution Hall, Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa. Maharishi University of Enlightenment is a university for ladies, who are members of the Mother Divine Programme, a program for single ladies. While attending classes, these students also focus on raising national and world consciousness and experiencing higher states of consciousness through their group practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.
By participating in the First International Congress of Global Mother Divine, these Mother Divine students witnessed the formation of the new administration, which will bring enlightened, blissful life to the ladies of the world and their communities and nations. The congress was a blissful celebration of ladies from North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, highlighting the traditional role of ladies in upholding the consciousness, education, health, and cultural traditions of the family, community, and family of nations.
The First International Congress of the Global Mother Divine Organization marked the formation of the new administrative structure for the Global Country of World Peace. As resolved on the 22nd of November, the final day of the European Assembly of National Leader, there will now be two wings of administration of the Global Country of World Peace—one for men, and one for ladies. With connections across the globe, through live satellite broadcast, the First International Congress of the Global Mother Divine Organization offered a historic opportunity to think together with all the mothers of the world family to bring enlightenment to every individual and invincibility to every nation in the world, and thus usher in the full descent of Heaven on Earth.
The mothers’ wing of the Transcendental Meditation Movement is the new administrative structure for all ladies. The term 'mother' includes not only mothers, who are raising their families, but also single ladies who have the expanded role as mothers of the world. All mothers of the world can embrace the whole world as their family, holding in their loving attention, the nourishment and enlightenment of all the people of the world.
During the First International Congress of the Global Mother Divine Organization, the Raj Rajeshwaris of the Global Country of World Peace joyfully brought to light the secret of this new administration. 'The administration of the mothers’ wing of the Movement will be on the level of silence functioning within itself. Our administration will not be through human endeavour but through human surrender—from where silence operates,' said Maharishi.
'The mothers’ wing will offer to every mother in the world the opportunity to swing in the value of Saraswati—the Divine Mother, Goddess of Knowledge,’ said a Raj Rajeshwari during the Congress. The Raj Rajeshwaris brought out that the word ‘Saraswati’ means the field of Total Knowledge. 'Sara' means lake referring to ‘swa’ (the Self) —the lake of the Self. And ‘ti’ refers to motion—the whole unbounded lake of the Self, moving within itself in waves of Total Knowledge and bliss.
Looking at the traditional role of mother, it is the mother who is the first teacher, the first protector of her family’s health, the upholder of cultural and religious traditions in the family, and the centre of inspiration for the family to enjoy waves of bliss and celebration. Thus, it is appropriate that the mothers’ wing will take responsibility for five areas of knowledge. These five are:
1) The Development of Consciousness
2) Total Knowledge-Based Education
3) Total Knowledge-Based Culture
4) Total Knowledge-Based Health
5) Music
The Global Mother Divine Organization will operate through six foundations, related to these areas of knowledge. (See Part 2 of this article.) In this way, mothers in every country will have access to a structure of Total Knowledge, which will allow them to elevate their families and nation to bliss and invincibility.
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