Dr. Suurküla signs the Resolution for Invincible Estonia University with Dr. Morris, Dr. Hagelin, and Dr. Lynch
From the The Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, Maharishi University of Management, USA
17 November 2007
Dr. David Lynch, Founder of the David Lynch Foundation and a team of leaders of the Global Country of World Peace, who are touring different countries to promote Consciousness-Based Education, recently arrived in Estonia, one of the smallest European nations. They received a huge reception as they arrived to launch the new Invincible Estonia University.
As soon as he stepped into the national airport, the media swarmed Dr. Lynch. In the company of Dr. John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist, Executive Director of the International Centre for Invincible Defence in New York City, USA, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace, and Dr. Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management and Prime Minister of the Global Country, Dr. Lynch first met with the National Leader of the TM Movement in Estonia, Dr. Jaan Suurküla. Dr Lynch then immediately began giving interviews to the press in preparation for the launch of the new university, whose purpose is to bring invincibility to the nation.
Later that evening, through a fortunate coincidence, Dr. Lynch met the President of Croatia, who was also visiting Estonia. The President asked Dr. Lynch what he was doing there, and Dr. Lynch replied, 'I'm bringing invincibility to Estonia.' Dr. Lynch gave the President a beautiful and comprehensive description of Unified Field-Based Education, the power of peace-creating groups, and plans for Invincible Universities.
The next day, Dr. Lynch, Dr. Hagelin, Dr. Morris, and Dr. Suurküla raised the flag of the Invincible Estonia University in Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, and then signed the Resolution to establish the university there. Classes at the new university are scheduled to begin on January 12, 2008.
Following the signing of the Resolution, the team spoke at an international press conference announcing the plans for Invincible Estonia University. All the top Estonian television, radio, and newspaper crews, as well as many other reporters, crammed into the press hall and filled it wall to wall. One journalist had even travelled four hours by bus from Latvia to participate.
'This press conference was perhaps the biggest I've ever seen, and in one of the smallest countries,' Dr. Hagelin said. 'The atmosphere was extremely attentive. We presented deep principles of the university and of Unified Field-Based Education, total brain functioning, higher states of consciousness, and the mechanics of creating total invincibility for the country. So the reporters gained a lot of deep knowledge, and their questions showed great respect and interest.'
Later the same afternoon, Dr. Lynch, Dr. Morris, and Dr. Hagelin were scheduled to give a public lecture about the Invincible Estonia University. News of the event had spread for two days only through word of mouth, emails, and blogs—there were no paid advertisements. But the 800-seat theatre was packed half an hour before the presentation began, and people kept arriving until the standing-room-only audience reached 1,200, with another 300-400 turned away at the door due to lack of space.
Most of the audience was young people, and Dr. Lynch, Dr. Morris, and Dr. Hagelin presented a very profound message about full enlightenment for students and invincibility to the nation through large groups practicing Transcendental Meditation, TM-Sidhi Program and Yogic Flying together. The students responded with deep, probing questions about the Transcendental Meditation Program, full mental potential, and world peace. One audience member asked, 'When will peace come?' The speakers answered that only 125 peace-creating students in Estonia are needed to bring permanent peace and invincibility to the nation.
Dr. Suurküla reported that all funding for Invincible Estonia University is now in place, thanks to a very generous Estonian benefactor. As soon as the buildings are completed, in just a few months, the University will begin classes for 200 students, with help from Estonian school directors who are eager to see the programme introduced.
The Estonia visit ended with a wonderful dinner, hosted by a close confidant of the Estonian President. Dr. Hagelin and Dr. Lynch spoke with him in depth about Unified Field-Based education in Estonia, and consequently the President will soon be informed in detail about all these plans. In addition, many other Estonian leaders attended the dinner, including wealthy, prominent citizens and leaders in culture and the arts.
'Everything has absolutely opened up in a miraculous way,' Dr. Suurküla said as the evening ended. 'We are so grateful we can't express it in words.'
Reprinted from the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, Maharishi University of Management, Iowa, USA
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