Through Maharishi's
Consciousness-Based education, students discover the field of pure consciousness as the source of all fields of knowledge. Instead of receiving fragmented education, students gain total knowledge — knowledge of how to manage everything in life by managing their own Self. By developing themselves from within, they begin to unfold the vast creative potential that often goes unused in life.
by Global Good News staff writer
29 November 2007
A huge wave of coherence and invincibility has been spreading around the world due to the increased popularity of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme and Consciousness-Based Education. In Latin America alone, there are now 35 schools and 12 universities where students are practising these techniques, according to Dr Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja (Administrator) of Latin America for the Global Country of World Peace. Dr Alvarez summarized the progress of Latin America last week on the Maharishi Family Chat, featured on the live television satellite broadcast for Maharishi Open University.
Bringing relief for Colombia, South America
In an earlier broadcast, Dr Alvarez gave examples of South American countries reaching invincibility. Colombia, the third most populated Latin American country, with a population of 43 million people, now has 700 Yogic Fliers. This number surpasses the super-radiance number of 660. Colombia, for many years has been troubled with major conflicts and civil war. Now, Colombia can look forward to a transformed national consciousness and relief from the tension it has been suffering for many years. ‘Now,’ Dr Alvarez said, ‘the powerful effect of all the Yogic Flyers, functioning from the level of pure silence, will support softer, wiser actions by the government and more success for the country.’
Increased peace, success, and progress for Chile
In Chile, with a population of 16 million, the super-radiance number is 400. Dr Jose Luis Alvarez recently announced that about one thousand people have learned the practice of Transcendental Meditation and soon will be taking the TM-Sidhi Programme and becoming Yogic Fliers. Dr Alvarez reported that the Vice-Chancellor of a university in Santiago started a Consciousness-Based Education programme last year under the inspiration of the lady Director of Chile, Dr Carmen Montellano, and the Founder of Invincibility and National Leader, Dr Rafael de la Puente.
Later, in a school related to the university, an additional 500 students were taught the Transcendental Meditation Technique. These 500 are now ready to start the TM-Sidhi Programme, and one group in the university is already just starting this advanced programme. This means that on the basis of these two projects, enough numbers of Yogic Flyers will be trained for the required number for the nation.
In addition, two other officials in different parts of Chile have requested Consciousness-Based Education in their schools, ensuring that a strong level of invincibility for Chile is soon to come. Consciousness-Based Education is receiving positive press coverage because it creates more harmony in the schools and universities, resulting in less violence. Dr Alvarez explained that the university is 'more peaceful and there is a new air of success and progress in the university, which is also affecting the development of positive news in the country'. Chilean administrators appreciate the value of Consciousness-Based Education, which enlivens total brain functioning in the students and creates coherence and invincibility in the nation.
Students report experiences of inner happiness and love
In addition to Colombia and Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and Trinidad and Tobago have now achieved their invincibility number. Brazil, Mexico, Panama, and El Salvador are also on their way to this goal with programmes being established in schools and universities.
The students in these countries are benefiting from the experience of inner happiness and peace. One student from Peru described his experience: 'When I learned Transcendental Meditation it was the happiest day of my life. . . . I was within, and I felt Maharishi had lit a torch inside me. Now my heart is filled with happiness. . . . and the last ten days have been like ten years of happiness.'
Another said that now he just wants 'to become a Transcendental Meditation Teacher'. A third described, ‘Today, I can clearly experience that I felt the whole universe within me, and still it was small, and I was bigger than it.' Yet another reported feeling very ‘protected’. Others said: 'I feel I love my parents much more'; 'I feel a deep connection with Nature, that everything is part of everything else'; 'I feel love for everything and everyone within myself'; and 'I can only feel infinite gratitude to Maharishi for all he is teaching us.'
Vedic Education in the USA in terms of waves of bliss
In the United States, Consciousness-Based Education is also becoming popular. Another name of Consciousness-Based Education is Vedic Education. Veda means total Natural Law, which exists within the Self of everyone. Veda is the Constitution of the Universe—the complete set of all the Laws of Nature, which administer the whole ever-expanding universe effortlessly.
On a recent Global Family Chat, Dr Kingsley Brooks, Raja (Administrator) of New England, USA, for the Global Country of World Peace, spoke about the students' experience of learning in Maharishi Vedic Schools. Dr Brooks mentioned that the founder of Vedic Education, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, has described the experience of learning in Vedic Schools in terms of ‘waves of bliss’. Dr Brooks explained that ‘the study and experience of the Constitution of the Universe (total Natural Law) is going to be in waves of bliss. It is not going to be a task for the students. Students will not fail as in today's system of education, where examinations are a concern and fear to the students. . . .’
Dr Brooks continued, 'Fulfilment or progress is not out of hard work; it is out of bliss, which is the opposite of hard work. The study in Vedic Schools is going to be a joy from beginning to end, all the time. [It is] the onset of Total Knowledge enlivening all possibilities.’
In the United States, a number of inner city schools have also adopted Consciousness-Based Education, due to the generous support of the David Lynch Foundation, a foundation established to promote Consciousness-Based Education. Remarkable reports from these schools indicate that almost immediately, student unrest and violence has turned into a peaceful atmosphere conducive to learning.
Experiences from an inner city charter school
The Global Good News website announced that National Public Radio reported that some US elementary schools are introducing Transcendental Meditation with the hope that the 'quiet time' will lead to better grades by reducing stress and increasing focus. Alison Brody reported, 'It's 8:40 in the morning and the halls of Washington, DC's Ideal Academy are alive with activity. Ten minutes later the soundscape at Ideal is transformed. This is what the inner city charter school calls quiet time—when students stop talking, close their eyes, and begin to practise Transcendental Meditation or TM.'
Fifth-grader Jamie Jones describes the 10 minutes in the morning and afternoon when she sits at her desk and quiets her mind in this way, 'It feels like you're floating on clouds.'
Ten-year old Mia Smith says, 'It makes you feel better. It makes you stop being frustrated. It makes you feel good about yourself.'
The Ideal Academy's pilot programme started last year. Based on its success, the programme has expanded to include all students in grades five through ten. Dr George Rutherford, Ideal's Principal, explained why he introduced Transcendental Meditation to his school. He said that his students are as smart as any he's ever seen, but the stresses of poverty hold them back.
'If a child comes in and they are stressed out how do we expect them to learn?' Dr Rutherford asked. He says the answer to his question is Transcendental Meditation.
The radio broadcast explained that in 2006, 25 public, private, and charter schools across the United States started the Transcendental Meditation programme, and this year 100 schools are expected to introduce the practice.
The report also discussed views of some who were opposed to Transcendental Meditation in the schools on the basis of 'separation of church and state'; while noting that educators, including Dr Rutherford, state that Transcendental Meditation is not a religion and does not conflict with their own religious views and practices.
David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education dissolves negativity
Also quoted in this regard was filmmaker David Lynch, whose David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace is raising funds for students to learn Transcendental Meditation.
In a recent tour, Dr Lynch described how incorporating Consciousness-Based Education brings increased invincibility. ‘Real peace is not just the absence of war, but the absence of all suffering, all negativity,’ Lynch said at the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School in Jerusalem. ‘Change comes from within. From the first meditation, boom, you're there.’
Lynch has been meditating for more than 30 years. He started the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace to promote Transcendental Meditation as a way to aid students in violence-ridden schools and bring about world harmony. With meditation, Lynch said, the ‘black cloud of negativity dissolves’.
‘Meditation can aid not only school children, but also bring tranquillity to troubled regions of the world,’ he said. ‘The experienced gardener doesn't worry about the leaves. He gets at (the problem) from its roots,’ he continued. ‘Peace on the surface—it doesn't address the seeds of war; it's a "peace" of paper.’
In addition, at Maharishi University of Management, students practise their Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, contributing to the large number of participants of the Invincible America Assembly. Also, a new university, Maharishi Central University, is being built in the centre of the USA in Kansas.
Other colleges and universities, featuring Consciousness-Based Education include Maharishi Medical Colleges. One Maharishi Medical College already exists in Fairfield, Iowa. Another will open in Antrim, New Hampshire in 2008, and more are planned.
Consciousness-Based Education for Europe and Asia
As mentioned in Part 1 of this article, many European countries are beginning plans for Invincibility Universities. European countries rising to establish Invincibility Universities include Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Estonia, and Turkey. In addition, the head of a private school in Hungary heard about Consciousness-Based Education and has shown great enthusiasm for bringing this to his school. In Israel, leaders and wealthy citizens have given their strong support for establishing Consciousness-Based Schools and Universities
In Asia, in Malaysia, a presentation on Consciousness-Based Education was given to the Headmistress and all senior assistants of a Malaysian primary school with over 4,000 students. Dr Foo related that more than 80 staff attended. The school intends to seek funding from their Board of Directors for 100 teachers to be instructed in Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique.
In India, many students are already enjoying Consciousness-Based Education. Recently, the Raj Rajeshwari (Administrator) for India summarized some of the achievements of students in Consciousness-Based Schools in India during a live global broadcast. The Raj Rajeshwari explained that Maharishi Mahila Education Society and Maharishi Shiksha Santhan are giving the opportunity to thousands of Indian girls, in several schools all over India, to reconnect with this source of bliss during regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme and its advanced techniques twice every day.
Maharishi Vidya Mandir School in Kolkatta has 700 students from nursery school to 9th standard and is considered one of the best schools in the region. A Vastu school building is being constructed in a beautiful campus at present and will hopefully be completed in this year.
According to the Raj Rajeshwari, 'The Hyderabad garden campus has a very nice, four-story building with 1,000 girls in junior college and about 500 students in school enjoying Consciousness-Based Education. It is famous for being the best educational institution in the region. Students of the school and college are outstanding in academic achievements and extracurricular activities and win several awards every year.’
The Raj Rajeshwari for India explained that when the students finish their education and become respectable citizens—IAS officers, engineers, lawyers, etc.—they remember their ‘science of bliss’ and keep in touch with their school and college.
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