by Global Good News staff writer
28 October 2007
In the pocket-size book Maharishi speaks to educators: Mastery over Natural Law, Maharishi speaks about spontaneously bringing life into harmony with Natural Law by educating individuals to function from the total potential of Natural Law—the Unified Field as discovered by quantum physics—through the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme.
In this talk given in Seelisberg, Switzerland, in January 1982, Maharishi begins by pointing out that all suffering in human life has one cause: the violation of the Laws of Nature by the individual citizens of every nation. The Laws of Nature are the ordering principles that guide the creation and evolution of the whole unlimited universe.
The highly developed structure of the human brain gives man the unique ability to live the unlimited creative potential of all the Laws of Nature and to act in perfect, spontaneous harmony with every Law of Nature.
Maharishi said, ‘Man alone in the whole creation has the ability to choose whether to develop his inherent potential to live the supreme dignity of life in harmony with Natural Law or to remain in the state of ignorance of Natural Law.’
Education attempts to give knowledge of Natural Law, but the approach adopted thus far is fragmented and ineffective. In the objective approach of modern science one studies only a few isolated Laws of Nature. ‘Even the most advanced scientific understanding provides only a fraction of the knowledge of all the Laws of Nature,’ Maharishi said.
Since it is not possible to live spontaneously in accordance with Natural Law on the basis of intellectual knowledge, the only basis for acting in accord with Natural Law ‘is to establish one’s awareness in pure consciousness, the home of all the Laws of Nature.’
Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme provide the experience of pure consciousness, the simplest state of the knower, and develops the ability to act spontaneously from this level, which is the ground state of Natural Law.
Maharishi then went on to give one of the most important points for gaining enlightenment through Consciousness-Based Education. ‘The transcendental field of pure consciousness, experienced through Transcendental Meditation is the fundamental Unified Field that the most advanced branches of physics are establishing as the Unified Field of Natural Law at the basis of all creation.
‘During the group practice of the TM-Sidhi Programme, the experience of pure consciousness becomes so clear that consciousness finds within its own silence an extremely dynamic structure, which is the total potential of Natural Law.
‘Feeling is the most refined aspect of individual existence,’ Maharishi continued. ‘It is a wave of that silent level of consciousness deep within, where all the Laws of Nature reside. When one lives life from the finest level of one’s feeling, one is living the full potential of Natural Law, the state of enlightenment.
‘At the finest level of feeling, the Laws of Nature are not something outside oneself. The reality of experience in this enlightened state is that “I am the Laws of Nature.” In this state it is no longer possible to violate the Laws of Nature.
‘Desiring from the simplest state of one’s awareness, the home of all the Laws of Nature, one can achieve anything one wishes. When one is functioning on this level of the infinite creativity of Nature itself, one gains complete Mastery over Natural Law.
‘When a large number of individuals practise Maharishi’s TM-Sidhi Yogic Flying together, maximum coherence in brain functioning is created, and the group as a whole functions in perfect harmony with all the Laws of Nature. The effect of this coherence is powerful enough to purify the collective consciousness of an entire nation, so that everyone enjoys the benefits of this knowledge.
‘Thus the introduction of Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme in just a few schools and universities presents the educators of the world the opportunity to bring a whole nation in accordance with all the Laws of Nature. This will make the nation permanently free, invincible, and a kind friend to every nation on earth.’
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