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Skill in action requires that the doer gains great pleasure from his action, but also remains free from the binding influence of action and its fruits. This occurs naturally through the regular practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique.
(See June, July & September archives for parts 1 - 5, entitled 'Secrets for gaining the most from your surroundings with least effort')
by Global Good News staff writer
21 September 2007
Previous sections of this article have highlighted Maharishi’s insights from his book, The Science of Being and Art of Living on cultivating effective thought and speech for greater success. Now, looking at the art of action, Maharishi’s insights provide fascinating keys to success, which have been overlooked in the modern world.
Skill in action depends on purity of the mind
In the first paragraph of the section 'Art of Action,' Maharishi recalls a proverb in India: 'The success of the work of great men depends upon the purity of their heart and not so much upon the accessories.' This profound statement may bring a sigh of relief to anyone who regularly reads the news or is aware of the prevalent greed and corruption in business and government. 'But,' one may ask, 'is this too good to be true? Doesn’t success depend on cleverness and cunningness, more than purity of heart? And what about hard work, doesn’t that play a part in success?'
Maharishi brings to light some interesting keys to success. Maharishi explains that purity of mind allows Natural Law to accomplish a person’s desires. Maharishi says, 'The secret of success is in gaining a favourable influence of the natural laws carrying out the process of evolution of all beings.'
Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique provides deep rest, which allows stresses and impurities of the mind and body to be released. This allows the mind to align itself more and more with total Natural Law. When one thinks and acts in accord with total Natural Law, then Natural Law supports one’s desire. One is able to accomplish more with less effort.
Skill in action means harnessing Nature’s infinite organizing power
In his book Celebrating Perfection in Education, Maharishi explains that one can harness the infinite organizing power which is managing the evolution of the entire universe. One simply brings one’s awareness inward, through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, and experiences the Unified Field of consciousness at the basis of one’s mind. In other words, one transcends and experiences the field of silence at the source of thought. One knows one’s Self, the pure field of Creative Intelligence. The Self is also known as self-referral consciousness because consciousness is referring only to itself, with no outside thoughts.
Maharishi explains that the experience of self-referral consciousness brings effortless skill in action because this silent field is the home of all the Laws of Nature, which administer the entire ever-expanding universe. In Maharishi’s Vedic Science, the science of consciousness, one learns that within the silent, least excited state of consciousness, all the Laws of Nature, which uphold the dynamism of the universe, are lively.
In the ancient Sanskrit language, these Laws of Nature are known as the Veda and Vedic Literature. They are the primordial reverberations of Natural Law, the intelligence of Nature’s functioning, present within silent Transcendental Consciousness. The reality of supreme skill in action is described in the verse from Rk Veda 'Dashame yuge yatinam Brahma bhavati sarathih.' (Rk Veda 1.158.6) 'For those established in self-referral consciousness, the infinite organizing power of the Creator becomes the charioteer of all action.' Like the charioteer who guides the horse-drawn charioteer, total Natural Law guides one’s thought and action in the way which is most favourable for fulfilling one’s desire.
Skill in action means the ability to fulfil any desire
The Vedic concept of skill in action includes unlimited possibilities; it includes the ability to fulfil any desire. Maharishi explains that when one ‘s consciousness is fully awake within itself, free from stress, strain, and any shadow of drowsiness, then one can create anything from within consciousness—one can fulfil any desire. Maharishi explains that just by maintaining wide-awake self-referral consciousness, the Laws of Nature will actually carry out one’s desires, bringing fulfilment.
This is skill in action which does not cause exhaustion. Maharishi explains that the doer is quietly established in the self-referral state and the work is carried out by means of the desired set of laws to fulfil the intention. Maharishi has referred to this supreme skill in action as the technology of Unity Consciousness.
Skill in action means freedom from bondage
A second benefit of the Technology of Unity Consciousness is freedom from the binding effect of action. In today’s world there is little thought about the binding influence of action. Maharishi points out that in the modern world, action is just undertaken in order to satisfy the sensory level of life. Maharishi explains that action performed when one is not established in bliss consciousness, causes bondage, planting the seed desires for future action.
In the world today, it is common to see people propelled into greater and greater activity by an unceasing thirst for more—more success, more love, more money, more knowledge, more sensory experience. The question arises, how does one get out of this binding cycle of action, impression, desire and live life in freedom and fulfilment?
In The Science of Being and Art of Living, Maharishi explains that only when the mind is saturated by the experience of inner fulfilment, inner bliss consciousness is the thirst of the mind quenched. Skill in action requires that the doer gains great pleasure from his action, but also remains free from the binding influence of action and its fruits. This occurs naturally through the regular practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique because the mind opens to the level of bliss and unlimited creative intelligence. By knowing one’s own inner bliss, one then remains contented all the time. The doer remains in freedom, saturated in the bliss consciousness of absolute Being. This is skill in action.
Ten points for skill in action
Maharishi outlines ten points, which are fulfilled by utilizing the technology of Transcendental Meditation in one’s life. These requirements for real skill in action include:
- Performing action with the least amount of energy
- Performing action in the least amount of time
- Performing only useful action
- Performing an action to produce the most effective and desirable results
- Fixity of purpose in performance of action for the most effective and desirable results
- Performing and completing the action without harming anyone
- Performing an action to yield maximum results
- Performing and action so that the performance remains pleasant and does not become a tiring or tedious tasks
- Properly planning for action
- Effective execution of the plan
In order to gain the above skills in action, Maharishi points out that it is only necessary to make the mind powerful. When one brings one’s mind to the level of cosmic energy and intelligence, then one gains great power and precision and bliss in action. One acts with the least expenditure of energy and enjoys maximum support from Natural Law and one’s environment.
Maharishi: 'The art of performing action to yield maximum results and the art of clear and powerful thinking, foresight, tolerance, persistence, and concentrated attention are gained through the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation, wherein lies the fulfilment of the art of effective execution of the plan.’
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