by Global Good News staff writer
12 April 2008
In an inspiring talk to students, which was given in 1974 in Murren, Switzerland, Maharishi explained that the nature of life is to grow, to evolve. Whenever the Creative Intelligence of the individual or a nation does not find free and full expression, growth is restricted, and life begins to feel uncomfortable.
Great adaptability and stability are structured in the human nervous system. This enables the individual to maintain unbounded awareness while behaving within boundaries—which brings fulfilment to the natural tendency of Creative Intelligence to grow.
‘The daily routine of life creates rigid boundaries in the individual’s awareness,’ Maharishi said. ‘The Transcendental Meditation Technique is the natural procedure for awareness to transcend boundaries and open to unbounded awareness. The regular experience of unbounded awareness provides the opportunity for Creative Intelligence to express itself freely.’
Due to today’s fast means of communication, it is not possible for a country to remain uninfluenced by its neighbours. While every government aspires to greater progress, the preservation of cultural values is also a deep concern of every wise man in every government. Growth and progress in society cannot be at the cost of stability and cultural integrity.
Maharishi said that the only way to safeguard the cultural values of a nation is to develop great flexibility and stability in every individual so that he can maintain his cultural values and yet derive greatest advantage from the progress that modern technology provides. The Science of Creative Intelligence develops this adaptability and stability in the physiology, psychology and sociology of the individual.
Through the Transcendental Meditation Programme, which is the practical aspect of the Science of Creative Intelligence, an individual can open his awareness to the field of pure Creative Intelligence, the home of all the Laws of Nature. When awareness is established in this field, thoughts are spontaneously right and all the laws of nature support thinking and action.
‘ "Might is right" has been the guiding principle in the field of politics throughout the ages,’ Maharishi said. ‘The Science of Creative Intelligence presents a new, more powerful principle—"Right is might"—to guide the destiny of the nation.
‘True might and strength lie in the invincible power of Natural Law. Alliance with the home of all the laws of nature is the basis of the strength of a government and brings fulfilment to the aspirations of every Head of State.
The internal problems of a government result from its inability to safeguard and satisfy the diverse interests of the individuals of the nation. The solution is found in developing in every citizen and in the leaders of government the ability to reconcile opposites and to harmonize and make maximum use of divergent values.
‘External problems arise from the inability of government to cope with the diversity of interests in the world. The solution lies in developing in every member of the government that awareness which can simultaneously uphold national integrity and generate harmonizing influences in the world.
‘The Science of Creative Intelligence is the knowledge that makes it possible to enhance governmental achievements,’ Maharishi concluded. ‘The practicality of this programme is founded on the truth that knowledge is the basis of action, action is the basis of achievement, achievement is the basis of fulfilment. Knowledge about the full potential of life develops unbounded comprehension so that life is not wasted in narrow boundaries and nations blossom in their full dignity.’
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