Students develop unshakable self-confidence by going within and experiencing the Self during the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique.
by Global Good News staff writer
7 April 2008
Ask most successful people their recipe for success, and self-confidence will certainly stand out among the main ingredients. Most students admit that their level of self-esteem and confidence directly influences their performance and feelings of well-being. However, in the past, few have owned a technique for developing this essential quality or have known how to ensure self-confidence that is unwavering under any circumstance.
Even a brilliant student, who easily gets an 'A' on a paper or research assignment, may find himself fighting shyness or fear of making mistakes. He may find that his confidence waxes and wanes, depending on the attitude of his peers or his professors. Every student and every person, whether beginning a new career or continuing an old one, needs unshakeable confidence in order to hold steady on reaching one’s goals. When self-esteem is unwavering, one enjoys happiness at every step on the way to success.
Knowing one’s Self brings unshakable self-confidence
Fortunately, now students around the world are discovering the key to lasting self-confidence. Through the use of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, anyone can develop self-confidence, no matter what one’s background or level of shyness, and no matter how strong the challenges.
Exactly what does Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique do? Simply speaking, it puts one in contact with one’s Self, the field of unbounded creativity, intelligence, and energy within. Maharishi points out in his book, The Science of Being and Art of Living, that one cannot have self-confidence if one does not know his Self.
Maharishi said, ‘One who is unaware of his Self cannot possibly have self-confidence. Any attempt to improve self-confidence without gaining familiarity with the Self will always be ineffective.’
Gaining familiarity with the Self is, therefore, the first step in gaining self-confidence and this is achieved through the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique.
One’s Self is an infinite, unbounded field of all possibilities
During the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, one turns one’s attention within, allows the mind to settle, and fathom who one really is. One experiences the truth of one’s existence. One knows one’s Self as infinite, unbounded, unchanging—a steady refuge of silence, which gives rise to all the dynamic expressions of one’s personality. By experiencing one’s inner reservoir of unbounded Creative Intelligence, one no longer identifies with limitations and boundaries. One knows one’s Self as an unbounded field of all possibilities.
Without the practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, one might make a mistake and identify one’s self in terms of his or her individuality. This means identifying with one’s outer appearance, one’s hobbies, likes and dislikes, one’s talents, and one’s weaknesses. Maharishi points out that these relative, changing aspects of a person are not one’s Self. The Self is unchanging—a steady seat of calm at the silent depths of one’s mind. By knowing one’s Self through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique, one feels anchored to one’s own inner strength and calmness, even in the midst of turbulent outer circumstances and challenges.
In addition, the Self is a field of unbounded bliss—a reservoir of deep inner satisfaction, which is not dependent on any outer experience of relative happiness. Knowing one’s Self, one knows one’s happiness comes from inside.
‘The whole world is my family’
One also experiences one’s Self as a field of complete unity, where all diversity is just different aspects of the same one wholeness. Knowing this field of harmony and unity, allows one to feel comfortable and familiar with different people and with changing surroundings. Everything is just a wave of one’s Self. Nothing is threatening or jarring. The ancient Vedic texts describe this, saying, ‘Vasudhaiva kutumbakam: the whole world is my family’.
Strengthening thought and action for success
Students reinforce their self-confidence when their actions are powerful enough to hit the target. When one practises Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique regularly, one develops more powerful, effective action. During Transcendental Meditation, one experiences subtler levels of the mind, which are more powerful, and this makes one’s thoughts and actions stronger and more successful.
In his book, Thirty Years Around the World: Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment, Volume 1, Maharishi explains,
‘This meditation is a way to get to that absolute state of experience where the experiencer experiences himself, a state of oneness—complete self-referral oneness. This increases tremendously the power of experiencing. This makes the whole life of man more forceful in the field of thought and action. Force is there, power is there, contentment, peace, and wisdom.’
Cosmic Consciousness for lasting self-confidence
Through the regular alternation of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique and regular activity, the knowledge, bliss, and power of one’s Self becomes an ever-present reality. Even while acting in the field of change, one is always established in the stable field of infinite contentment and Creative Intelligence. This state is known as Cosmic Consciousness, the state of enlightenment. In Cosmic Consciousness, one naturally enjoys a profound level of self-confidence.
Maharishi explains in The Science of Being and Art of Living, ‘Unless one is firmly grounded in an unshakeable state of bliss-consciousness of eternal Being, unless one has developed that Cosmic Consciousness which alone is capable of establishing the Absolute in the relative field of day-to-day life, it is not possible to have a natural state of unshakeable self-confidence.’
To illustrate the point, Maharishi describes a businessman. If the businessman has only a small amount of wealth invested in his business, he may feel, at times, shaky, uncertain, and worried. However, if he has great wealth invested in his business, then he feels confidence under all circumstances. Similarly, when the individual mind knows only its small individuality, with its shortcomings and boundaries, he may feel shaky and unsure. When the individual mind has expanded to realize its cosmic, unbounded status, then the small ups and downs of life do not shake one’s infinite status.
Gaining support of all the Laws of Nature
Another way that Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique develops self-confidence is that it connects the individual mind to the Unified Field of consciousness, where all the Laws of Nature reside. One is naturally connected to all the Laws of Nature, which administer the entire universe without a problem.
Knowing one’s cosmic status, one gains the support of Total Natural Law spontaneously in all one’s undertakings. Imagine if there were a way that one could always choose the best action in any circumstance, this would certainly remove any worry or anxiety. One could enjoy the free expression of creativity without wondering if one’s actions were going to succeed. Connecting to the home of all the Laws of Nature brings the security of spontaneous right action.
In his book, Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Government, Maharishi refers to this spontaneous ability to harness the organizing power of Total Natural Law as ‘automation in administration’. The silent field of the Self is automatically the director, or charioteer, of all activity.
This is expressed in the ancient Vedic Literature in the words,‘Yatinam Brahma bhavati sarathih (Rk Veda 1.158.6): Those established in the silent singularity of self-referral consciousness spontaneously motivate the infinite organizing power of total potential of Natural Law to be their charioteer. The infinite organizing power of Natural Law upholds their thought and action. The evolutionary power of Natural Law works for them, rendering automation in administration.’
Maharishi explains that when one is awake to this level of the infinite organizing power of Natural Law, ‘the individual has the spontaneous ability to know anything, do anything, and accomplish anything.’ Knowing one’s own infinite potential certainly brings unwavering confidence. And Maharishi explains that this is every student’s, every person’s natural birthright. Every person has within him the cosmic potential of Total Natural Law.
It is the great fortune of this generation that now, every student and every adult can realize his cosmic potential and live a life of Self-confidence, where every action brings a wave of happiness and success.
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