Maharishi University of Enlightenment provides the experience and understanding of the ultimate reality at the source of all disciplines, and fulfils the purpose of education by creating healthy, happy individuals, who are living life in enlightenment.
by a Maharishi University of Enlightenment student
7 August 2008
Transcending is the main theme of Maharishi University of Enlightenment (MUE) . The classroom time is quite limited compared with a traditional academic setting, but learning continues 24 hours a day.
When class is dismissed, instead of having homework or readings to do, we participate in the Mother Divine programme, which offers abundant time to fathom subtle regions of thought and intelligence. During these silent moments outside of class, many insights occur. Having a lot of space with the mind easy enables a deeper integration of the course material than would occur otherwise.
Another benefit of short classes is that the quality of the lesson is by necessity very compactified into a condensed holistic package of distilled truth. It is like drinking the ocean in a drop.
When we are called upon to produce an on-the-spot exposition of a specific concept taught that day, it demands that we draw on our personal resources to take that concentrated knowledge and explain it to each other, understanding it more fully it ourselves in the process. I'm always surprised to find through these seemingly impossible assignments that I know much more about the subject matter than I thought I had learnt.
One day before I became an MUE student, I stumbled upon an empty MUE classroom while class was not in session. I was struck by the feeling of awe-inspiring holiness in the room. There was a lively silence like the hush of an ancient temple. I instantly felt tremendous respect for all the students and faculty of the university and a real appreciation for the presence of the university.
I feel tremendously blessed to now be part of this focused study of Maharishi's pure knowledge together with the unboundedness of the Mother Divine programme.
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