Nature is the best organizer. It works from the deepest level of silence. We gain the ability to act in accord with Natural Law by practising Transcendental Meditation.
by Global Good News staff writer
27 August 2008
In this beautiful, short section of an address published in his book Enlightenment and Invincibility: Maharishi's Supreme Offer to the World, Every Individual and to Every Nation, Maharishi reveals the value of experiencing silence.
Maharishi began by explaining that in offering invincibility to every nation we are, in effect, saying that we can now educate our people in the ability to spontaneously act according to Natural Law. This is achieved through the Transcendental Meditation Technique, when the active mind settles down to a state of quiet awareness.
'This is pure consciousness or the simplest form of awareness,' Maharishi said. 'All thought and activity begin from this silent level, where the mind is not thinking—it is only awake in itself. From silence arises thought, action, achievement, fulfilment—and again silence. That is the whole flow of life—from silence to silence.
'In the state of fulfilment desire ends, because the goal of desire has been achieved. The desire comes to an end—the flowing river meets the ocean. It becomes the ocean and silence reigns. So starting from silence and coming back to the goal of silence is the whole run of life.'
'When this whole stream of life is entirely natural, every activity is directed, controlled, and governed by one single law, namely the law of least action. This means, Natural Law.
Nature acts in a way such that it makes no noise—it only produces results. That is the government of Nature, the best organizer. The big, huge tree grows from a tiny seed, without any fuss or fanfare. It grows from that deepest level of silence within Nature. We only see the effect of Nature's work performed quietly from an invisible level.
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