The experience of the unified, holistic state of consciousness during the practice of Transcendental Meditation is the only experience that has been found to maximize the use of the total brain.
by Global Good News staff writer
29 December 2008
It is the natural desire of all parents that their children have the very best in life. Maharishi has revealed that the best that children can have is to use the total brain potential with which they were born. Consciousness-Based Education has as its principle feature, the technique of transcending—the technique to experience the holistic and unified state of consciousness, Transcendental Consciousness, which is the child's own Self.
In a Global Press Conference on 14 March 2007, Dr Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, said, '"Know Thyself" is fulfilled by this system of education.' 'This experience of the unified, holistic state of consciousness is the only experience that has been found to maximize the use of the total brain. It creates highly coherent, orderly, holistic brain functioning—the whole brain begins to function together.'
Following their morning and evening practice of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, when students study with this more awakened brain, they are able to absorb the knowledge in a much more effortless way. The container of knowledge has been expanded. 'They are able to enjoy gaining knowledge and are enthusiastic to learn because of the awakening of their creativity, their receptivity, their intelligence, and their simple joy of living,' Dr Morris said.
As students grow up, they become Yogic Flyers with the advanced technique of Transcendental Meditation, which intensifies all the effects of Transcendental Meditation. Dr Morris suggested that parents have their children attend an existing school where the students already practise Transcendental Meditation as part of their daily school routine, or parents can introduce Consciousness-Based Education to the school their child attends.
Dr Morris explained that when children grow up with Consciousness-Based Education, there will be two effects. The first is that the children grow up in the spirit of ideal citizenship. 'When they live their life with a totally developed brain and on the basis of all thought and behaviour from the level of the Unified Field, their actions are spontaneously in harmony with the Laws of Nature and with national law.' Dr Morris said. 'They grow up without any tendency towards violent or criminal activity.'
When the whole society is based upon a schooling system like that, then the children will grow up leaving aside any behaviour which brings suffering to others. This can be the future when Consciousness-Based Education is universally available and applied.
In the schools that have introduced Consciousness-Based Education, when the children begin to practise Yogic Flying at school in a group twice a day, the power of those children experiencing the Unified Field radiates intense coherence and harmony into the atmosphere around them. 'This is sufficient to create a phase transition in the whole quality of the collective consciousness of the neighbourhood, town, or city in which they live. Such schools shining everywhere in any country, combined with the other groups practising Yogic Flying in that country, will neutralize the daily build up of stress and strain in the atmosphere,' Dr Morris continued.
'When there is rising harmony from the children in the schools, the whole national consciousness will become highly harmonious and full of peace and positivity. This is what Maharishi calls an "invincible state of national consciousness.'''
This is has happened on many occasions through the application of these 'technologies of consciousness'—the Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programmes—which have been verified by many scientific research studies.
'It is the school children of the world now who can create this kind of invincibility in any country, and in all countries of the world, just through their own joyful routine of awakening their own total brain functioning and awakening their life to be lived in higher states of consciousness, on the level of the highest and supreme level of living, as the Unified Field itself,' Dr Morris said. 'They know, ''I am that field, which is the field that is expressing itself as the whole universe; that is the level of my dignity and my power as a human being."'
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